Wednesday, 9 November 2016

Directions (Q. 1 - 5): In year 2013 total number of bike produced by six companies together is 55 lakh. Following pie-chart shows the percentage distribution of total produced bikes among these companies, and the table shows the percentage sale of these companies in year 2013. Answer following questions based on these graph.

1. How many bikes sold by company D in year 2013?

1) 384240 
2) 387620 
3) 389180 
4) 392150 
5) 397440

2. Total bikes sold by company C is approximately what percentage of total bikes produced by company A.

1) 37.2% 
2) 39.6% 
3) 42.5% 
4) 45.8% 
5) 47.5%

3. What is the difference between total number of bikes sold by company E and total bikes sold by company F.

1) 60410 
2) 61930 
3) 62840 
4) 63220 
5) 64150

4. Total number of bike sold by company B is approximately what percentage of total number of bikes produced by all six companies together.

1) 8.4% 
2) 9.6% 
3) 10.2% 
4) 11.5% 
5) 12.6%

5. What is the total number of bikes sold by company A and company C together.

1) 964360 
2) 993820 
3) 1054000 
4) 1145870 
5) 1231680

Directions (Q. 6 - 10): Following line graph shows the percentage growth in population of six cities A, B, C, D, E and F from 2011 to 2012 and 2012 to 2013.

6. If the population of City A is 5.4 lakh in year 2011 then what will be its population in year 2013.

1) 7.842 lakh 
2) 8.424 lakh 
3) 8.765 lakh 
4) 9.168 lakh 
5) None of these

7. What is the percentage increase in population of city C from year 2011 to year 2013.

1) 15% 
2) 22.5% 
3) 30% 
4) 32.25% 
5) 33.5%

8. If the population of city E and City D are equal in year 2012 then the population of city E is approximately what percentage of population of city D in 2013.

1) 86.2% 
2) 96% 
3) 104% 
4) 116% 
5) 124%

9. If the population of city-F in year 2013, is 16.848 lakh then what was its population in year 2011 ?

1) 7.8 lakh 
2) 8.4 lakh 
3) 9.6 lakh 
4) 10.2 lakh 
5) 11.4 lakh

10. If the population of city-B and city-D in year 2011 are equal to 6 lakh then what will be the difference between population of city-D in 2013 and population of city-B in 2013 ?

1) 75500 
2) 97400 
3) 112500 
4) 137600 
5) 148500


1. 3

Sale = 5500000 * 11.6/100 * 61/100 = 389180

2. 1

Sale = 5500000 * 13.4/100 * 55/100 = 405350

Production = 5500000 * 19.8/100 = 1089000

Req% = 405350/1089000 * 100 = 37.22

3. 2

Esale = 5500000 * 20.7/100 * 58/100 = 660..0

Fsale = 5500000 * 17/100 * 64/100 = 598400

Diff = 660330 - 598400 = 61930

4. 5

SaleB = 5500000 * 17.5/100 * 72/100 = 693000

Req% = 693000/5500000 * 100 = 12.6%

5. 4

ASale = 5500000 * 19.8/100 * 68/100 = 740520

Csale = 5500000 * 13.4/100 * 55/100 = 405350

Total = 74.520 + 405350 = 1145870

6. 4

A2013 = 540000 * 120/100 * 130/100 = 842400

7. 4

Let its population in 2011 = 100

Population (2013) = 100 * 115/100 * 115/100 = 132.25

%Increase = 32.25%

8. 4

Let the population of D & E are 'X' in year 2012

D2013 = x * 125/100 = 1.25x

E2013 = x * 145/100 = 1.45x

Req% = 1.45x/1.25x * 100 = 116%

9 .3

F2011 = 1684800 * 100/130 * 100/130 = 960000

10. 3

D2013 = 600000 * 135/100 * 125/100 = 1012500

B2013 = 600000 * 125/100 * 120/100 = 900000

Diff = 1012500 - 900000 = 112500

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