Wednesday, 28 December 2016

1. Supreme Court’s order on Wednesday to maintain “status quo” on land acquired in Punjab towards construction of Sutlej-Yamuna Link canal is welcome.

1) at the land acquired in Punjab towards
2) in landing acquired in Punjab towards
3) on the lands acquired in Punjab towards
4) in land acquiring in Punjab towards
5) No correction required.

2. SYL canal is outcomes of the decision on sharing of Ravi-Beas waters between Punjab and Haryana following the latter’s creation.

1) the SYL canal is the outcome of the decisions
2) SYL canal is an outcome of decision
3) SYL canals is the outcomes of decisions
4) SYL canal is the outcome of decisions
5) No correction required.

3. The plan will have an economic cost, bringing up the trade-offs involved in mitigating the harmful impact of human activities on the environment.

1) bringing out the trade-offs involved in
2) bringing out to the trade-offs involved in
3) bringing out the trade-off involved in the
4) brings out the trade-offs involve in
5) No correction required.

4. As the largest national political parties, BJP and Congress must leads the way for a durable solution.

1) must lead the way of a
2) must lead the way for a
3) must leaded the way for a
4) must landed the way of the
5) No correction required.

5. By issuing a notification in November to return acquired land, the SAD-BJP government has made matters worse.

1) with issuing a notification in November for
2) By issued a notification in November to
3) By issuing the notification on November to
4) with issuing the notification in November to
5) No correction required.

6. All this while she blamed the Centre and demanded answers as to why a army exercise were conducted without informing the state government.

1) as to why the army exercise was conducted
2) as to the why army exercise was conducts
3) to as why the army exercise was conducted
4) as to the why a army exercise was conducted
5) No correction required.

7. The way forward is for political parties in both states to calm things down and drive home the point which the verdict be left to Supreme Court as neutral arbiter in this dispute.

1) the points that the verdict be left to
2) the point that the verdicts be left to
3) a point that the verdict lefted to
4) the point that the verdict be left to
5) No correction required.

8. Last week the Supreme Court directed the central government to notified its graded action plan to tackle air pollution in Delhi.

1) to notify its graded action plan to
2) to notify theirs grade action plan to
3) to notify its graded action plans to
4) to notified their graded action plan to
5) No correction required.

9. This template should also be adapt for other Indian cities that suffer appalling air quality.

1) be adapted for other Indian cities which
2) be adapted for other Indian city that
3) be adapted for other Indian cities that
4) be adapt of other Indian cities that
5) No correction required.

10. Neighbouring states also have to play their parts as environmental problems always spill over borders.

1) has to play their parts as
2) have also to plays their part as
3) also have to play their parts so
4) have also to play its parts as
5) No correction required.


1. 5
2. 4
3. 1
4. 2
5. 5
6. 1
7. 4
8. 1
9. 3

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