Q1. When a bank writes off a loan as bad, its _________.
(a) Total assets and total liabilities decreases by that amount.
(b) Total liabilities and capital decreases by that amount.
(c) Total assets and capital decreases by that amount.
(d) Total assets, total liabilities and capital decreases by the amount.
(e) Other than the given options
Q2. Which of the following organisations maintains CRR?
(a) SEBI
(b) RBI
(c) Ministry of Finance
(e) Other than the given options
Q3. Many a times we read in financial newspapers about channel financing. ‘Channel Financing’ is/are associated with _________.
I.SME lending
II.Supply chain finance
III.Retail lending
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and III
(d) Only III
(e) Other than the given options
Q4. Inflationary pressure on an economy essentially signifies _________.
I.Absence of growth impulses in the economy
II.A disequilibrium between exports and imports
III.Inflation is higher in economy
(a) Only I
(b) Only III
(c) I and III
(d) Only II
(e) Other than the given options
Q5. Invisible export means export of _________.
(a) Services
(b) Prohibited goods
(c) Unrecorded goods
(d) Goods through smuggling
(e) Other than the given options
Q6. Which of the following is not a financial institution?
(a) ECGC
(b) LIC
(c) IDBI
(d) NATO
(e) Other than the given options
Q7. Which of the following will help poor in a country to come out from poverty?
I.If they get good health services.
II.If they have freedom from illiteracy.
III.If the nation attains optimum sex ratio.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and II
(d) Only III
(e) Other than the given options
Q8. An Asset Management Company is promoted for which of the following purposes?
(a) To manage the assets of insurance company
(b) To manage the funds of a mutual fund
(c) To manage loans taken from other banks
(d) To manage the assets of NBFCs
(e) Other than the given options
Q9. In the context of banking, what is ‘Loan Servicing’?
I.It is the process by which a mortgage bank collects the timely payment of interest and principal from borrowers.
II.It is the after sales service provided by the banks to the customers.
III.It is the facility provided by the banks to make the loans easily accessible to the customers.
(a) Only I
(b) Only II
(c) I and III
(d) Only III
(e) Other than the given options
Q10. Which of the following is not the part of prudential guidelines issued by Reserve Bank of India?
(a) Provisioning
(b) Loan recovery rules
(c) Asset classification
(d) Income recognition
(e) Other than the given options
Q11. Which of the following is not a challenge for the Indian Banking Industry?
(a) Improvement in customer services
(b) Implementation of new accounting standards
(c) Avoid competition from financial conglomerates
(d) Attainment of 100% financial inclusion
(e) Other than the given options
Q12. Which of the following organisations issues guidelines related to ‘Participatory Notes as used in Financial World?
(a) IRDA
(b) TRAI
(c) RBI
(d) SEBI
(e) Other than the given options
Q13. In which type of accounts bank generally don’t pay interest?
(a) Current Account
(b) Saving Account
(c) F.D Account
(d) All of the above
(e) Other than the given options
Q14. Payment of a cheque cannot be made on a cash counter of bank, if the cheque is _________
(a) Bearer
(b) cross
(c) order
(d) All of the above
(e) Other than the given options
Q15. Bank draft is a _________
(a) letter from the bank
(b) cheque which a bank draws itself
(c) Instruction to a banker to collect a customer’s debt.
(d) Instruction not to honour a stop payment
(e) Other than the given options
1. c
2. b
3. b
4. b
5. a
6. d
7. c
8. b
9. a
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