Friday, 20 January 2017

1. Computer programs are written in a high-level programming language; however, the human readable version of a program is called—
b)instruction set
c)source code
d)word size
e)None of these

2. What happens if you press Ctrl + Shift + F8?
a)It activates extended selection
b)It activates the rectangular selection
c)It selects the paragraph on which the insertion line is.
d)None of above
e)All the above

3. What is the short cut key to open the Open dialog box in ms word?
b)Shift F12
c)Alt + F12
d)Ctrl + F12
e)None of these

4. Auto Calculate will quickly add selected cells if you…..
a)right click on the status bar and select Sum
b)click the Auto Calculate button on the toolbar
c)use the key combination Ctrl+$
d)Double click the selection
e)None of the above

5. You can add a hyperlink to your worksheet by pressing
a)Alt + K
b)Ctrl + H
c)Ctrl + K
d)Ctrl + Shift + K
e)None of the above

6. Which of the following is NOT one of the four major data processing functions of a computer?
a)gathering data
b)processing data into information
c)analyzing the data or information
d)storing the data or information
e)None of these

7. A letter, memo, proposal or other file that is created using Microsoft Word is called as?
e)None of these

8. FPI stands for____
a)Faults per inch
b)Frames per inch
c)Figure per inch
d)Film per inch
e)None of these

9. The technique where digital signals are converted to its analog form for transmission over an analog facility is called–
d)All of the above
e)None of these

10. Pop-ups are a form of ________on the World Wide Web?
a)Instant Messaging
b)Search Engines
d)Mark-up Languages
e)Online Advertising



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