Directions (1-5): Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part is the answer. If there is no error the answer is (E). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
1. I am sure about it; nobody has lived in that house for a hundred years.
A) I am sure about it,
B) nobody has lived
C) in that house
D) for a hundred years.
E) No error
2. I always prefer working in a relaxed atmosphere than one full of tension and anxiety.
A) I always prefer
B) working in a
C) relaxed atmosphere than
D) one full of tension and anxiety.
E) No error
3. Yesterday Ramesh got the information that his father died of accident while travelling in a car.
A) Yesterday Ramesh got the
B) information that his father
C) died of accident
D) while travelling in a car.
E) No error
4. I told him bluntly that he is lazy fellow and that he had done his work very badly.
A) I told him bluntly
B) that he is lazy fellow
C) and that he had done
D) his work very badly.
E) No error
5. He telephoned from a public call-box so that the call would not be traced to his own address.
A) He telephoned from a public call-box
B) so that the call
C) would not be traced
D) to his own address.
E) No error
Directions (6-10): Which of the phrases (A), (B), (C), (D) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it, mark (E) i.e. ‘No correction required’ as the answer.
6. For countries undergoing a recession, large cuts in public spending seem to be the ordering of the day.
A) be the ordering of days
B) being the order of the day
C) be the order of the day
D) being the ordering of days
E) No correction required
7. As it was a dark and stormy night, Lata was too scared to go home alone.
A) very scary to
B) much scared to
C) as scared to
D) to scared too
E) No correction required
8. The little boy appeared all of a sudden out of nowhere and take everyone by surprise.
A) took everyone as surprised
B) take everyone with surprised
C) took everyone by surprises
D) took everyone by surprise
E) No correction required
9. Despite being tried his best to persuade people to give up smoking, he could not attain success.
A) Despite his best trying
B) Despite of his best
C) Inspite of being tried his best
D) Despite trying his best
E) No correction required
10. Even on most critical moments, he is calm, but today he appears very much disturbed.
A) appeared very much disturb
B) appears very much to disturb
C) appeared to be very much disturbing
D) is appearing very much disturbing
E) No correction required
1.Answer: B) (replace has lived with has been living)
2.Answer: C) (replace 'than' with 'to'. 'Prefer' is always followed by 'to')
3.Answer: C) (replace 'died' with 'had died')
4.Answer: B) (replace 'is' with 'was')
5.Answer: C) (replace 'would' with 'could')
6.Answer: C); ‘be the order of the day’ is the correct phrase which means the characteristic or dominant feature or activity.
7.Answer: E)
8.Answer: D); ‘took’ (past tense) should be used in place of take
9.Answer: D) ‘Despite trying…’ is the appropriate phrase.
10.Answer: E)
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