1. Between which two countries was "Hand in Hand" exercise was practiced ?
A. India and China
B. India and Nepal
C. India and Sri Lanka
D. India and Bhutan
2. In which state "Gobind Sagar Dam" is located ?
A. Punjab
B. Himachal Pradesh
C. Rajasthan
D. Haryana
3. To which discipline "Balamurali krishnan" who passed related to
A. Indian Carnatic Violinist
B. Indian Carnatic Drummer
C. Indian Carnatic vocalist
D. Indian Carnatic saarangi player
4. Which ETS having hourly time ?
D. None
5. What does P in EFPOS stand for ?
A. Practice
B. Pending
C. Point
D. Plot
6. Where is "Kumarakom bird sanctuary" is located ?
A. Kerala
B. Karnataka
C. Tamil Nadu
D. Assam
7. "Global citizen festival" held in which state ?
A. Maharashtra
B. Madhya Pradesh
C. Karnataka
D. New Delhi
8. Commercial Paper are issued by ?
A. Finance Ministry
B. Corporate companies
D. None
9. India completed "145 M777 howitzer" deal with which country
A. Russia
B. China
C. U.S.A
D. Germany
10. What is the limit of foreign investment in universal banks for RBI ?
A. 76%
B. 74%
C. 70%
D. 65%
1. A
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. A
8. B
9. C
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