Saturday, 7 January 2017

Direction (1-10):  In the following questions, you have passages with 5 questions each. Read the passages carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the alternatives.

The DRDO was set up in 1958 as the fulcrum of India’s indigenous defence production. However, its performance, or the lack of it, must count as one of the biggest uninvestigated scandals of independent India. Among  its notable failures is the production of the Light Combat Aircraft (LCA),
which was commissioned over a decade ago but   ran years behind schedule with a cost overrun of over  Rs. 5,000 crore. The aircraft’s  Kaveri engine  was commissioned over two decades ago; it ran  over  15 years behind schedule with similarly high cost overruns. Other projects allocated to the DRDO, such as the Airborne Early Warning and Control (AEW&C) System, the naval version of the LCA,  the Long Range Surface to Air Missile (LRSAM), and the  Advanced Lightweight Torpedo (ALWT) have all missed deadlines by several years.
The performance of our  public sector units handling defence has been equally scandalous. Hindustan Aeronautics  Ltd. (HAL) could not rectify simple design faults in the HPT-32 basic trainer aircraft, forcing the Indian Air Force (IAF)  to import propeller driven trainers. The Intermediate Jet Trainer (IJT) prototype is nowhere close to flying, and the Light  Combat Helicopter and the multi-purpose civilian aircraft, Saras, have forever been in the pipeline. Our ordnance factories are similarly languishing. The Nalanda ordnance factory, in collaboration with an Israeli company, is reportedly  only  a fourth complete. The commitment to indigenously supply 1,000 T-90S main battle tanks to the Indian Army could not be met because the project failed. Indian-made 125 mm smooth bore barrels for the T-72 tanks also reportedly failed because the barrels blew up during field tria

1. According to the passage why the author referred DRDO as independent India's uninvestigated scandals?
(a) due to non - adherence to time which resulted in over costing to the Govt.
(b) due to one of the employee who got arrested in scandal.
(c) due to excess cost demand by the employee.
(d) All of the above

2. Which of the following acronyms are not used in the above passage?
(a) ALWT
(b) ITJ
(c) LCA
(d) DRDO

3. Which of the following is not the synonyms of the word "fulcrum"?
(a) base
(b) foundation
(c) inscribe
(d) None of these

4. Which of the PSU's have failed to complete their commitments?
(a) HAL
(b) ordinance factory
(c) DRDO
(d) All of these

5. Which of the following does the phrase " blew up " mean?
(a) Failed
(b) Trailed
(c) Blocked

(d) Achieved


1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (d) 
4. (d)
5. (a) 

The recent rapid growth of industry has, in some cases, been so excessive that too much manufacturing capacity has been developed in some fields of production, which forces companies to sell their surplus products in world markets at prices lower than normal. This will make it almost impossible to develop local industries producing the same items because consumers will prefer to buy the cheaper imported product.

1.  Why is it necessary for companies to sell products at cheaper prices?
(A) The cost of production has been considerably low.
(B) The local industries also manufacture the same product.
(C) There is a heavy demand for these products.
(D) None of these 

2.  According to the passage, the situation resulting from the rapid industrial growth is 
(A) The cost of production has been considerably low.
(B) The local industries also manufacture the same product.
(C) There is a heavy demand for these products.
(D) None of these. 

3. ‘This will make……….’___ in this sentence, ‘This’ refers most closed and directly to 
(A) development of local industries 
(B) the recent rapid growth of industry
(C) selling products of excessively higher prices
(D) companies manufacturing surplus products 

4. Which of the following is/are most likely to hamper the development of local industries?
A. Availability of imported product at cheaper rates 
B. Consumer’s tendency to refrain from using imported products 
C. Excessive production capacity and low production cost
(A) Only A
(B) Only B
(C) Only C
(D) A and C

5.‘Imported product’ as used in the last product refers to 
(A) product manufactured locally but of export quality 
(B) product sold to such other country which can’t locally manufacture it
(C) product of a foreign country available at a below normal price
(D) surplus product manufactured be foreign country and sold at a normal price. 


 1.(D)  2.(D)  3.(B)  4.(D) 5.(C)

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