Directions (1 to 10): Below each sentence has given four possible substitutions for the bold part. If one of them (a), (b), (c) or (d) is better than the underlined part, indicate your response on the Answer Sheet against the corresponding letter (a), (b), (c) or (d). If none of the substitutions improves the sentence, indicate (e) as your response on the Answer Sheet.
Q1. I laid all the facts before him so that he could make his own Judgement.
(a) laid all the facts in front of him
(b) lay all the facts before him
(c) lay all the facts in front of him
(d) did I lay all the facts before his
(e) No improvement
Q2. If only she had told me about her problem I would have helped her.
(a) would help
(b) could help
(c) had helped
(d) would not help
(e) No improvement
Q3. Apollo was worshiped as long as the Roman Empire continued.
(a) was continued
(b) ruled
(c) lasted
(d) did not exist
(e) No improvement
Q4. The patient could have been saved if he had been taken tothe hospital in time.
(a) could be saved
(b) could save
(c) had been saved
(d) can saved
(e) No improvement
Q5. Knowing very little English, it was difficult to converse withthe foreigner.
(a) I found it difficult to converse
(b) to converse was difficult
(c) conversing was difficult
(d) It was not easy to conversed
(e) No improvement
Q6. The father together with his sons and daughters have gone to see a film.
(a) are gone
(b) has gone
(c) is gone
(d) is going
(e) No improvement
Q7. The stranger asked the little girl what is her name.
(a) What her name is
(b) What her name was
(c) What was her name
(d) Her name is what
(e) No improvement
Q8. The high court had taken a leniency view because the accused had no previous criminal record.
(a) had viewed leniency
(b) had taken a leniency viewing
(c) had taken a lenient view
(d) took a lenient view
(e) No correction required
Q9. The government should launch such projects which should reversible the destructive cycle of flood and drought.
(a) should have reversible
(b) should be reverse
(c) should have been reverse
(d) should reverse
(e) No correction required
Q10. A committee comprising eminent experts from various fields were setting up.
(a) was set up
(b) were being set up
(c) was setting up
(d) was being set up
(e) No correction required
1. e
2. e
3. c
4. e
5. e
6. b
7. b
8. c
9. d
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