Directions (1-15): Each question gives a sentence with a part of the sentence underlined/BOLD that may contain an error. FIVE alternative substitutes are given for the underlined/BOLD portion. Identify the choice that replaces the underlined/BOLD part to form a logical and grammatically correct statement and mark its number as your answer.
Q1. The police hope that the drive against the dance bars will give them a much needed breather from the legal opprobrium and help them score positive points with Mumbai’s citizens too.
(a) will give them a brief pause for rest
(b) will make them famous
(c) will make them morally right
(d) will severe them
(e) will give them a boost
Q2. From effusive business delegations to pontificating Nobel Laureates Indians have been lectured on how to copy China for their own good.
(a) By industry as well as the intelligentsia
(b) By commercial interests and academicians
(c) From business houses to prizewinners
(d) From eager business delegations to pompous Nobel Laureates
(e) From the haves to the have-nots.
Q3. It is truly worrisome and dangerous when the idea of tradition begins assuming gate keeping and policing functions.
(a) becomes strict like the police
(b) is arrogant
(c) takes upon itself the right to decide on ethics
(d) presumes evil in society
(e) is farfetched
Q4. The time is not for India and China to begin the transformation of the geopolitics of the Himalayan region from confrontation to co-operation.
(a) to change the Himalayan region
(b) to preserve the Himalayan region
(c) to meet the hostilities of the Himalayas
(d) to unite in order to scale the Himalayas
(e) to set to work changing from hostility to concurrence the politics in the Himalayan region
Q5. To put it in a nutshell the HIV virus attacks the very immune system that kills any foreign body.
(a) To explain in detail
(b) To jump to conclusion
(c) To examine a nutshell
(d) To explain briefly
(e) To be true
Q6. The P. W’s explanation that the killing was yet another case of mistaken identity hardly absolves it of responsibility for perpetrating violence and terror on innocent civilians whose cause it ostensibly upholds.
(a) with great difficulty frees it
(b) does not free it from being accountable
(c) barely sets it free
(d) scarcely makes it responsible
(e) hardly confirms what it states
Q7. The concern for rail safety cannot be addressed nor the resolve to hold officers responsible for the mishap implemented as long as there are vacancies at the operating level.
(a) till the time that there aren’t enough people to do the work
(b) while people are on leave
(c) while people work on tracks
(d) until there are loopholes in management
(e) white people are watchful
Q8. The efforts by U.N. to impose sanctions against N. Korea might not meet with much success since China and Russia prefer to cajole rather than force N. Korea to keep the nuclear genie in the bottle.
(a) to bottle up (conceal) its nuclear potential
(b) to command the spirit to grant wishes
(c) to conceal the genie
(d) to refrain from producing nuclear weapons
(e) to hold back its nuclear dreams
Q9. Not surprisingly, the endeavours of women’s groups and health activists to push through changes to the law encountered stiff resistance from strong vested interests among the medical and para-medical fraternity.
(a) was opposed by those having personal interest
(b) was met by interested people
(c) was thought interesting by people
(d) was welcomed by people
(e) was mooted by the people
Q10. Meaningful participation of the scientific community or science agencies in the functioning of CPCSEA (Committee for the Purpose of Control and Supervision of Experimentation on Animals) has been prevented by sustained browbeating.
(a) has been coaxed and cajoled
(b) has become highly sensitive
(c) has been pushed out of existence
(d) has become extinct
(e) has been hindered by intimidation
Q11. Today’s mode of raising kids – catering to their whims and fancies – generates a lot of hand winging among the older generation.
(a) creates anger
(b) causes anxiety and worry
(c) causes repulsion
(d) forces alienation
(e) causes frustration
Q12. Ask for a little convenience and you would be asking for the moon it seems.
(a) asking to go to the moon
(b) not asking for anything
(c) asking for trouble
(d) asking for the impossible
(e) asking for attention
Q13. All advertising space in ‘Kalnirnay’ is snapped up almost immediately by multinational companies, which see the value of such a mass medium.
(a) which realize the vast potential that is there in it
(b) observe several alternative uses of it
(c) which like astrological calendars like ‘Kalnirnay’
(d) which believe in astrology
(e) which believe in encashing luck
Q14. The heroes of Bollywood have distinguished themselves by frantic verbal acrobatics in courts in order to deny all earlier statements.
(a) are famous acrobats
(b) are anxious to become verbal acrobats
(c) have become famous by their anxious verbal jugglery
(d) are remarkable as jugglers
(e) are in a hurry to prove themselves
Q15. The company is looking at the option of transporting natural gas by pipeline to Hyderabad in view of the huge reserve struck in the Krishna-Godavari basin.
(a) as it explores for oil in the Krishna-Godavari basin
(b) considering the vast quantity of oil found in the Krishna-Godavari basin
(c) while it prospects for oil in the Krishna-Godavari basin
(d) as it looks after the oil in the Krishna-Godavari basin
(e) considering the needs of people in the basin
S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘will give them a brief pause for rest’ is grammatically correct phrase and fit in the context of the sentence correctly.
S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘From eager business delegations to pompous Nobel Laureates’ is grammatically correct phrase and fit in the context of the sentence correctly.
S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘takes upon itself the right to decide on ethics’ is grammatically correct phrase and fit in the context of the sentence correctly.
S4. Ans.(e)
Sol. ‘to set to work changing from hostility to concurrence the politics in the Himalayan region’ correctly and more explicitly express the idea.
S5. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘To explain briefly’ is more apt phrase in the given context.
S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘does not free it from being accountable’ is more apt phrase in the given context.
S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘till the time that there aren’t enough people to do the work’ is more apt phrase in the given context.
S8. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘to refrain from producing nuclear weapons’ is better explained in the given context.
S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘was opposed by those having personal interest’ this phrase explains in more easy way.
S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. ‘has been hindered by intimidation’ is more apt phrase in the given context.
S11. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘causes anxiety and worry’ is correct usage.
S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. ‘asking for the impossible’ is better phrase to explain the given context.
S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘which realize the vast potential that is there in it ‘ is better phrase to explain the given context.
S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. ‘have become famous by their anxious verbal jugglery’ is better phrase to explain the given context.
S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘considering the vast quantity of oil found in the Krishna-Godavari basin’ is better phrase to explain the given context.
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