Tuesday, 31 January 2017

Directions (1-15): In the following questions, out of the four alternatives choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/sentences.

Q1. Not allowing light to pass through.
(a) opaque
(b) transparent
(c) invisible
(d) invincible

Q2. One who believes that everything is pre-destined.
(a) legend
(b) arbitrator
(c) fatalist
(d) apostate

Q3. One who cannot be corrected.
(a) incorrigible
(b) indulged
(c) illiterate
(d) amendable

Q4. Opposed to great or sudden change.
(a) mercenary
(b) conservative
(c) eccentric
(d) fastidious

Q5. Person prominent in a fashionable society.
(a) socialite
(b) social
(c) amiable
(d) amicable

Q6. Scarcity of rain or water.
(a) drought
(b) draught
(c) tide
(d) barren

Q7. One who believes that nothing can be said about God.
(a) theist
(b) atheist
(c) altruist
(d) agnostic

Q8. Work for which no salary is paid.
(a) brocade
(b) placard
(c) honorary
(d) scenario

Q9. Thing to be corrected in a printed book.
(a) addendum
(b) corrigendum
(c) quorum
(d) memorandum

Q10. The cannot be understood.
(a) incomprehensible
(b) imponderable
(c) vulnerable
(d) illegible

Q11. Liable to be easily broken.
(a) fragile
(b) weak
(c) indelible
(d) volatile

Q12. That cannot be cured.
(a) insatiable
(b) incurable
(c) indisputable
(d) flexible

Q13. Written statement to give information.
(a) addendum
(b) corrigendum
(c) memorandum
(d) scenario

Q14. Study of population.
(a) ecology
(b) demography
(c) astronomy
(d) genealogy

Q15. Study of ancient things like tombs, buried towns.
(a) mythology
(b) history
(c) archaeology
(d) cult


S1. Ans.(a) 
Sol. opaque- not able to be seen through; not transparent.

S2. Ans.(c) 
Sol. fatalist- The doctrine that all events are predetermined by fate and are therefore unalterable.

S3. Ans.(a) 
Sol. incorrigible- (of a person or their behaviour) not able to be changed or reformed.

S4. Ans.(b) 
Sol. conservative-averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values.

S5. Ans.(a) 
Sol. socialite-a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment

S6. Ans.(a) 
Sol. drought-a prolonged period of abnormally low rainfall, leading to a shortage of water.

S7. Ans.(d) 
Sol. agnostic- a person who believes that nothing is known or can be known of the existence or nature of God.

S8. Ans.(c) 
Sol. honorary-(of an office or its holder) unpaid.

S9. Ans.(b) 
Sol. corrigendum-a thing to be corrected, typically an error in a printed book.

S10. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  incomprehensible-not able to be understood; not intelligible.

S11. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  fragile-(of an object) easily broken or damaged.

S12. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  incurable-(of a sick person or a disease) not able to be cured.

S13. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  memorandum-a written message in business or diplomacy.

S14. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  demography-the study of statistics such as births, deaths, income, or the incidence of disease, which illustrate the changing structure of human populations.

S15. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  archaeology-the study of human history and prehistory through the excavation of sites and the analysis of artefacts and other physical remains.

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