1. Which of the following officer in charge of petitions presented to the emperor?
Ans. Mir Arz.
2. Which of the following was the Superintendent of the Imperial Workshop?
Ans. Nazir-e-Bayutat.
3. Which of the following has given the correct description of the subdivisions of the Mughal Empire in the proper descending order?
Ans. Subah, sarkar, pagana.
4. Who divided the Mughal Empire into provinces for the first time?
Ans. Akbar.
5. Manuehi was a European traveler who came to the court of:
Ans. Jahangir.
6. The European travelers who visited Indian during the reign of Jahangir and left valuable account of his reign was/were:
a. William Finch
b. William Hawkins.
c. Francisco Palsaert.
Ans. All of the above.
7. The Marathas came to be admitted to the nobility during the reign of:
Ans. Jahangir.
8. A Mansab was allotted to:
Ans. All officers of the state.
9. The range of the Mansabs as organized by Akbar was:
Ans. 10 to 10,000.
10. Who after raising a successful rebellion, made Jahangir captive in his own camp?
Ans. Mahabat Khan.
11. Each grade in Mansabdari system had two aspects to it: (i). Zat (personal) and (ii). Sawar (cavalryman). Which of the following statements correctly describes their significance?
Ans. Zat fixed the personal status of a person and his salary, while Sawar rank indicated the number of cavalryman he was required to maintain.
12. A Mughal Queen whose name was written to all the Mughal Farmans and inscribed on the coins, was:
Ans. Noor Jahan.
13. The clique of four persons who ruled the Mughal Empire from 1611 to 1621 comprised:
Ans. Noor Jahan, Asaf Khan, Itmad-du-daulah and Asaf Khan.
14. Which of the following was incharge of law and order in the villages?
Ans. Muqaddam.
15. The Mughal Emperor who allowed a chain with bells to be hung outside his place to enable petitioners to bring their grievances to the notice of the emperor was:
Ans. Jahangir.
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