Thursday, 2 February 2017

Directions(Q.1-10): In the passage below, there are blanks each of which has been numbered. These numbers are written below the passage and against each, some words are suggested. One of these words fits appropriately in the blank in the total context of the passage. Find out the appropriate word in each case.

Without water ___________ 1. animal can survive. In desert regions the greatest ___________ 2. to life is drying up. But many creatures are able to make use of ___________ 3. little water that exists in arid areas. One of nature’s masterpieces ___________ 4. creatures equipped to ___________ 5. with desert life is the hardy camel. Stories range the desert lands far and wide about ___________ 6. endurance feats by camels. It is said that camels can ___________ 7. a distance of about 800 miles in eight days through continuous travel ___________ 8. an intake of a single drop of water. The popular ___________ 9. that camels store water in the humps is ___________ 10. in a way; water is needed stored there but in the form of fat.

1.(a) every  
(b) no 
(c) any
(d) desert 
Ans- b (here the idea is negative, hence option b.)

2.(a) need  
(b) inadequacy 
(c) requirement 
(d) threat
Ans- d (here we are talking about the danger to the life.hence 'threat')

3.(a) what  
(b) the 
(c) very 
(d) that 
Ans- b( 'the little' means 'all that we have')

4.(a) for  
(b) about 
(c) among 
(d) with 
Ans- c ('Among' is used for more than two things or persons)

5. (a) live  
(b) resist 
(c) bear 
(d) cope 
Ans- d ('cope with' is a phrasal verb)

6.(a) remarkable  
(b) little 
(c) tolerable 
(d) popular 
 Ans- a (remarkable is more apt word here)

7.(a) measure  
(b) reduce 
(c) lead 
(e) cover
Ans- d ( cover is suitable word here)

8.(a) for  
(b) without 
(c) accepting 
(d) receiving 
Ans- b (without' is correct preposition here)

9.(a) proverb  
(b) guess 
(c) belief 
(d) version 
Ans- c ('popular belief' is correct)

10.(a) baseless  
(b) wrong 
(c) misleading 
(d) correct 
Ans- d (correct expresses the mere veracity of the idea)  

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