Q1. Which of the following needs a device driver for working?
(a) Register
(b) Cache
(c) Main memory
(d) Disk
(e) None of these
Q2. What does DMA stands for?
(a) Distinct Memory Access
(b) Direct Memory Access
(c) Direct Module Access
(d) Direct Memory Allocation
(e) None of these
Q3. To which of the following categories do operating systems and debuggers belong?
(a) System software
(b) Application software
(c) Utilities
(d) All of these
(e) None of these
Q4. Which of the following techniques can be used to store a large number of files in a small amount of storage space?
(a) File adjustment
(b) File copying
(c) File compatibility
(d) File compression
(e) None of these
Q5. What is a spooler?
(a) Type of printer
(b) Peripheral device
(c) Program
(d) Output device
(e) None of these
Q6. What is the diagnostic testing sequence of a computer called that determines if all input and output devices are properly working?
(a) rebooting
(b) POST
(c) scanning
(d) defragmentation
(e) None of these
Q7. Which of the following components represent the parts of a Central Processing Unit(CPU)?
(a) Input, output and processing
(b) Control unit, primary storage and secondary storage
(c) Control unit, arithmetic logic unit and primary storage
(d) Control unit, processing and primary storage
(e) None of these
Q8. Which among the following is a type of device that is used for identifying people by their unique characteristics?
(a) biometric device
(b) Web camera
(c) joystick
(d) scanner
(e) None of these
Q9. Which of the following statements is true in the context of Watermark?
(a) A watermark can only be applied to a single page in a document
(b) A watermark is not visible to viewers in a hard copy
(c) A watermark is a ghost text
(d) The colour of a watermark cannot be changed
(e) None of these
Q10. Which of the following is a type of margin at the time of printing and binding printouts?
(a) Portrait
(b) Gutter
(c) A4
(d) Next Page
(e) None of these
Q11. Which of the following features is used to count the number of pages, words, characters, paragraphs and lines in a Word document?
(a) Orientation
(b) Page Count
(c) Word Count
(d) Margin
(e) None of these
Q12. In which group can you find or replace text and select text or objects in a document? (a) Proofing
(b) Paragraph
(c) Editing
(d) Font
(e) None of these
Q13. What is the maximum number of lines you can set for a Drop Cap?
(a) 6
(b) 10
(c) 15
(d) 56
(e) None of these
Q14. Which of the following views shows thumbnail versions of all the slides and organizes them in horizontal rows?
(a) Normal View
(b) Outline View
(c) Slide Sorter View
(d) Notes Page View
(e) None of these
Q15. A/An _________ displays a surface that joins a group of data points.
(a) New chart
(b) Line chart
(c) Surface chart
(d) Pie Chart
(e) Column chart
Solutions :
S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. Disk is a drive that needs a device driver to work on a computer system.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Direct Memory Access (DMA) enables selective hardware to directly fetch memory of the computer system i.e. RAM.
S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. System software is developed to serve as a bridge between the hardware and the user the making the software directly communicates with the hardware. Operating systems and debuggers are two best examples of system software.
S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. File compression is the technique used to store the large file in a small storage space. It compresses to content of the file in such a way that there is no harm done on the file content and quality.
S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Spooler is a program in computing that is used to line up print jobs by storing them in the buffer for a short time and allows the printer to print at the time when it is use.
S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. POST is a diagnostic testing sequence of a computer that is run before the actual booting to ensure that the computer hardware is functioning well. It stands for ‘Power-On Self-Test’.
S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Control unit, arithmetic-logic unit and primary storage are the parts of the CPU. The storage unit deals with the allocation of memory to the processed data, the Control Unit (CU) controls the flow and processing of the data and the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) carries out of the arithmetic operations of calculations of the computer system.
S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. A biometric device is a type of device that records the unique characteristics such as finger prints because it is impossible to have two different persons with the same fingers prints.
S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. A watermark is a ghost text that is set behind the content of a page.
S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. A gutter margin adds an extra space to the binding sides. Thus, it ensures that the text does not hide at the time of binding or folding papers.
S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. The Word Count command displays the total number of page, words and lines in a document.
S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. The Proofing group contains commands to use the spell check and word count features. The Paragraph group allows you to modify the layout of a paragraph, thereby setting spacing and indentation of the paragraph. The Editing group contains the Find, Replace and Select commands to find text, replace text and select text or objects, respectively.
S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. A drop cap refers to a large letter positioned at the beginning of a text. It can have the depth of a maximum of ten lines of regular text.
S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. Normal Views is used for editing a presentation slide by slide. Outline view is used to edit and jump between slides. Slide Sorter Views is used to view thumbnail versions of all the sliders collectively. Notes Page View is used to view the look of the presentation when printed with notes.
S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. Line Chart displays a surface that joins a group of data points.
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