Sunday, 5 February 2017

1.Out Of the following who was not the leader of the Extremists?
a) Lokamanya Tilak 
b) Aurobindo Ghose
c) Lala Lajpat Rai 
d) Hume


2.The Special Congress Session held in 1920 at Calcutta was presided over by
a) Nehru 
b) Lala Lajpat Rai
c) Bose 
d) Gandhi


3.When the Simon Commission visited India the Viceroy was
a) Lloyd George 
b) Lord Irwin
c) Lord Reading 
d) Lord Ripon

3. b

4.The number of members in the Simon Commission was ________.
a) 10 
b) 20 
c) 7 
d) 12


5.Out Of the following who died as political prisoner in Lahore prison?
a) Bhagat Singh 
b) Batukeshwar Dutt
c) Jatin Das 
d) Sukh Dev

5. c 

6.In what session did Congress declared complete Independence (Poorna Swaraj) as its goal?
a) Lahore session held in 1929
b) Madras session held in 1927
c) Ahmadabad session held in 1921
d) Gaya session held in 1922

6. a

7. When was the first Independence day unofficially celebrated
before Independence?
a) On 26th January 1929
b) On 26th January 1931
c) On 26th January 1935
d) On 26th January 1930


8. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the
codes given below the lists:
            List-I                                              List-II
A. Dadabhai Naoroji                  1. Home Rule
B. Annie Besant                        2. Servants of India Society
C. Gopalakrishna Gokhale         3. Thrice President of I.N.C.
D. Sri Aurobindo                       4. Extremist Turned Spiritualist

   A B C D
a) 1 3 4 2
b) 1 3 2 4
c) 3 1 2 4
d) 3 1 4 2

8. c 

9. With whom is the slogan “Do or Die” associated?
a) Subhas Chandra Bose 
b) Lala Lajpat Rai
c) Bal Gangadhar Tilak 
d) Mahatma Gandhi

9. d 

10.The Bardoli Satyagraha was led by
a) Rajendra Prasad 
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Vallabhbhai Patel 
d) Morarji Desai

10. c

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