1.The Chola king, who after successfully raiding Bengal took the title of Gangaikonda and also founded a new capital (Gangaikonda Cholapuram) was
a) Rajaraja-I
b) Rajendra-I
c) Rajadhiraj-I
d) Rajendra-II
2.The capital of the Pallavas was
a) Madurai
b) Mahabalipuram
c) Kanchi or Conjeevaram
d) Thanjavur
3.Aryabhatta and Varahamihira lived during the
a) Maurya Period
b) Gupta Period
c) Nanda Period
d) Sunga Period
4.In Jainism, ‘perfect knowledge’ is referred to as
a) Jina
b) Ratna
c) Kaivalya
d) Nirvana
5.The Buddhist sect Mahayana formally came into existence during the reign of
a) Ajatashatru
b) Ashoka
c) Dharmapala
d) Kanishka
6.The term “Tirthankaras” is associated with
a) Hinduism
b) Jainism
c) Buddhism
d) Zoroastrianism
7.The painting in the Ajanta Caves shows an Indian king receiving an embassy from the king of Persia. The king receiving the embassy has been identified with
a) Pulakesin I
b) Pulakesin II
c) Rajendra Chola
d) Dhruva IV
8.Who among the following presided over the Buddhist council held during the reign of Kanishka at Kashmir?
a) Parsva
b) Vasumitra
c) Nagarjuna
d) Sudraka
9.Madurai had been the capital of the
a) Cholas
b) Pallavas
c) Rashtrakutas
d) Pandyas
10.To whom did the term ‘Macedonia’s madaman’ refer?
a) Alexander
b) Xersus
c) Darius
d) Phillip II
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