Sunday, 5 February 2017

Directions (1-15): In the following Questions, there are four sentences. Each sentence has pairs of words/phrases that are italicized and highlighted. From the italicized and highlighted word(s)/phrase(s), select the most appropriate word(s)/phrase(s) to form correct sentences. Then choose the best option.

Q1. (i) Several pages of the book have come loose [A]/lose [B].
(ii) I am totally uninterested [A]/disinterested [B] in grammar. It’s boring.
(iii) Almost every decade someone or the other comes out with the prophecy [A]/prophesy [B] that the world is going to end.
(iv) I loath [A]/loathe [B] to admit that I was totally jealous.
(a) AAAB
(b) ABAB
(c) BABA
(d) BBAB
(e) BBBB

Q2. (i) The film was boring except for the special effects [A]/affects [B].
(ii) She must realize that she is eighteen and past [A]/passed [B] playing with dolls.
(iii) She is not anymore financially dependent [A]/dependant [B] on her husband.
(iv) She raised an intent for more stationary [A]/stationery [B] for the office.
(a) BBAB
(b) ABAB
(c) AABB
(d) AAAB
(e) BBBB

Q3. (i) The storm wreaked [A]/wrecked [B] havoc along the coast.
(ii) Though humorous his repartees are often mordent [A]/mordant [B].
(iii) Accessory [A]/Excess [B] minerals are disregarded by petrologists while classifying rocks.
(iv) I hope we have good whether [A]/weather [B] during our trip
(a) ABAB
(b) ABBA
(c) BABA
(d) BAAB
(e) BBBB

Q4. (i) She did not look overly [A]/overtly [B] at the customer till she had established herself comfortably on the chair.
(ii) By persisting in his efforts against failure he has shown his ability [A]/capacity [B] to persevere.
(iii) The closure of the company effected [A]/affected [B] the workers adversely.
(iv) I am not sure if [A]/whether [B] I should take the CAT this year or the next.
(a) ABAB
(b) ABBA
(c) BABB
(d) BAAB
(e) BBBB

Q5. (i) It is important to cite [A]/site [B] as many examples as possible in your answer.
(ii) Each batch in our classes is comprised [A]/composed [B] of 25 students and not more.
(iii) Persistent questioning by the lawyer failed to elicit [A]/illicit [B] a clear answer from the accused.
(iv) The professor could imply [A]/infer [B] that the students had not understood his explanation.
(a) ABAB
(b) ABAA
(c) BAAB
(d) BABA
(e) BBBB

Q6. (i) Though the story was centered on some historic [A]/historical [B] figures, it was mainly fiction.
(ii) The accused made a passionate effort before the judge to ensure [A]/assert [B] his innocence.
(iii) The authorities complemented [A]/complimented [B] her for completing the project well in time.
(iv) The invasion was preceded [A]/proceeded [B] by a massive mobilization of forces along the borders.
(a) ABBB
(b) BBBA
(c) BABB
(d) BBAA
(e) AAAA

Q7. (i) I don’t think I can proceed with the matter without your expert advise [A]/advice [B].
(ii) The venue for the event was decided after taking into account the climatic [A]/climactic [B] conditions.
(iii) Did he ever prophesy [A]/prophecy [B] anything but bad news for me?
(iv) The poor countries are finding it difficult to reconcile concerns about the environment with economic [A]/economical [B] growth.
(a) ABBA
(b) BBAA
(c) BABA
(d) BAAA
(e) AAAA

Q8. (i) He had unsuccessfully explored every road [A]/avenue [B] that he hoped might lead to him to success.
(ii) The manufacturing units along the river were required to check the effluent [A]/affluent [B] material for harmful chemicals.
(iii) The unhygienic conditions in the guest houses were a cause of discomfit [A]/discomfort [B] for the organizers of the event.
(iv) People generally distrust [A]/mistrust [B] politicians as politicians’ main concern is vote banks.
(a) ABAB
(b) ABBA
(c) BAAA
(d) BAAB
(e) BBBB

Q9. (i) The farmers pay continuous [A]/ constant [B] attention to the weather.
(ii) This year’s rains that persisted continuously [A]/continually [B] in winter are attributed to climate change.
(iii) He has a habit of talking on his own to his imaginative [A]/ imaginary [B] friend.
(iv) The General declared that the victory came with the minimum [A]/ minimal [B] loss of lives.
(a) ABAB
(b) ABBB
(c) BBBB
(d) BBBA
(e) AAAA

Q10. (i) He hired several aids [A]/aides [B] to help him in his work.
(ii) Her masterful [A]/masterly [B] personality soon dominated the movement.
(iii) The chartered accountant went through the maize [A]/maze [B] of papers to calculate her tax liability.
(iv) During the high tide [A]/tied [B] the fishermen tied their boats to the pier.
(a) ABAB
(b) ABBA
(c) BABA
(d) BAAB
(e) AAAA

Q11. (i) Having to work unsociable [A]/antisocial [B] hours in the call center has had an effect on his health.
(ii) Most cosmetics claim to be hypoallergenic [A]/nonallergenic [B].
(iii) The finger that was caught in the door became turbid [A]/turgid [B] and discoloured.
(iv) The qualification, e.g., [A]/i.e., [B] Master of Business Administration, is essential for the job.
(a) AABB
(b) ABAB
(c) BABA
(d) BAAB
(e) BBBB

Q12. (i) Dumping waste into rivers and streams is flagrant [A]/blatant [B] abuse of environmental norms.
(ii) I will introduce you to her, but you are on your own from their [A]/there [B] on.
(iii) When her turn came, she lay [A]/laid [B] her papers on the table.
(iv) When his controversial paintings were banned, the artist emigrated [A]/immigrated [B] as a result.
(a) ABBA
(b) BBBA
(c) ABAB
(d) BBAB
(e) AAAA  

Q13. (i) An actor’s performance depends on his ability to memorize the lines and cues [A]/ queues [B].
(ii) The project failed because of the shortcomings innate [A]/inherent [B] in our approach.
(iii) No wonder he is a doctor, his entire linear [A]/lineage [B] has been associated with medical science.
(iv) Evolutionary science established between human beings and simians, especially monkeys [A]/apes [B].
(a) AABB
(b) ABAB
(c) BABA
(d) ABBB
(e) AAAA

Q14. (i) The school affected [A]/effected [B] a new policy on extracurricular activities.
(ii) The rationale [A]/rational [B] behind current curricula is that students need to learn language and thinking skills, not specific information.
(iii) All the bickering and noise we witness in the legislature over petty politics is pure bathos [A]/pathos [B].
(iv) He has been recumbent [A]/incumbent [B] on the job; he must be fired.
(a) BAAA
(b) BBAA
(c) ABAB
(d) AAAB
(e) BBBB

Q15. (i) First, it is too expensive; second, it doesn’t fit well and thirdly [A]/third, [B] I don’t like it.
(ii) The festival offers a truly eclectic [A]/esoteric [B] program of events, including the opportunity to dance your socks off every evening.
(iii) In a monotonous [A]/monotonic [B] arrangement each set is contained completely within the other.
(iv) After the accident the victim went into comma [A]/coma [B] for several days.
(a) AABB
(b) BBAB
(c) BABB
(d) BBBB
(e) AAAA

S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. loathe-feel intense dislike or disgust for.

S2. Ans.(d)
Sol. stationery -writing and other office materials.
stationary-not moving or not intended to be moved.

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. wreaked-cause (a large amount of damage or harm).
mordant-(especially of humour) having or showing a sharp or critical quality; biting.

S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. overtly-without concealment or secrecy; openly.

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. elicit -evoke or draw out (a reaction, answer, or fact) from someone.
illicit-forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. compliment-politely congratulate or praise (someone) for something.
precede- come before (something) in time.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. prophesy-Verb ,say that (a specified thing) will happen in the future.
prophecy-noun , a prediction of what will happen in the future.

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. effluent-liquid waste or sewage discharged into a river or the sea.
avenue-a way of approaching a problem or making progress towards something.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. minimal-of a minimum amount, quantity, or degree; negligible.
continually-repeated frequently in the same way; regularly.

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. aide-an assistant to an important person, especially a political leader.
maze-a network of paths and hedges designed as a puzzle through which one has to find a way.

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. turgid -swollen and distended or congested.
hypoallergenic-(especially of cosmetics and textiles) relatively unlikely to cause an allergic reaction.

S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. flagrant-(of an action considered wrong or immoral) conspicuously or obviously offensive.
emigrate-leave one's own country in order to settle permanently in another.

S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. cue- a thing said or done that serves as a signal to an actor or other performer to enter or to begin their speech or performance.
lineage- direct descent from an ancestor; ancestry or pedigree.

S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. rationale -a set of reasons or a logical basis for a course of action or belief.
bathos -(especially in a literary work) an effect of anticlimax created by an unintentional lapse in mood from the sublime to the trivial or ridiculous.

S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. eclectic-deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources.
monotonic-(of a function or quantity) varying in such a way that it either never decreases or never increases.

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