Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Directions (1-5): What should come in place of question-mark (?) in the following number series? 
Q1. 12 12 18 45 180 1170 ? 
(a) 12285
(b) 10530
(c) 11700
(d) 12870 
(e) 7605 

Q2. 444 467 513 582 674 789 ?  
(a) 950
(b) 904 
(c) 927
(d) 881
(e) 973 

Q3. 1 16 81 256 625 1296 ? 
(a) 4096
(b) 2401
(c) 1764
(d) 3136 
(e) 6561

Q4. 23 25 53 163 657 3291 ?  
(a) 16461 
(b) 13169
(c) 9877
(d) 23045
(e) 19753 

Q5. 13 13 65 585 7605 129285 ?  
(a) 2456415 
(b) 2235675 
(c) 2980565 
(d) 2714985
(e) 2197845 

Directions (6-10): In the following questions, two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and give answer. 
(a) x > y 
(b) x ≥ y 
(c) x < y 
(d) x ≤ y 
(e) x = y or the relationship cannot be established 


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