Wednesday, 8 February 2017

Q1.The maximum number of seats in the Rajya Sabha belong to..
(a)Andhra Pradesh
(c)Uttar Pradesh
(d)West Bengal

Q2.Which Article of the Constitution permits the Supreme Court to review its own judgement or order ?
(a) Article 137
(b) Article 138
(c) Article 139
(d) Article 140

Q3. Who has the right to transfer any case anywhere in India ?
(a) President
(b) Supreme Court
(c) High Court
(d) None of these

Q4. The System of Judicial Review exists in ---- ?
(a) India only
(b) U.K. only 
(c) U.S.A. only
(d) India and U.S.A

Q5. Who is the final authority to interpret the Constitution ?
(a) The President
(b) The Parliament
(c) The Lok Sabha
(d) The Supreme Court

Q6. The legal advisor to the State government is known as ?
(a) Advocate - General
(b) Attorney - General
(c) Solicitor - General
(d) State Public Prosecutor

Q7. The Constitution of India does NOT contain any provision for the impeachment of ---- ?
(a) The President
(b) The Vice-President of India
(c) The Chief Justice of India
(d) Governer of the State

Q8. Which Indian State had the first woman Chief Minister ?
(a) U.P
(b) Bihar
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Delhi

Q9. Who was the first woman Governer of a State in free India from out of following ?
(a) Mrs. Sarojini Naidu
(b) Mrs. Sucheta Kriplani
(c) Mrs. Indira Gandhi
(d) Mrs. Vijay Laxmi Pandit

Q10. Money Bill can be introduced in the State Legislature with the prior consent of --- ?
(a) The President
(b) The Chief Minister
(c) The Speaker
(d) The Governer

Q11. The Contigency Fund of the State is operated by -- ?
(a) The Governer of the State
(b) The Chief Minister of the State
(c) The State Finance Minister 
(d) None of the above

Q12. The Chief Minister is appointed by ---- ?
(a) the Governer
(b) the President 
(c) the Chief Justice of Supreme Court
(d) the Chief Justice of High Court

Q13. Which of the following High Courts has the largest number of Benches ?
(a) Kolkata High Court
(b) Madhya Pradesh High Court
(c) Bombay High Court
(d) Guwahati High Court 

Q14.Which one of the following States has a separate constitution ?
(a) Arunachal Pradesh
(b) Assam
(c) Jammu and Kashmir
(d) Sikkim

Q15.The first finanace commission was constituted in ?
(a) 1950
(b) 1951
(c) 1952
(d) 1954

Solutions :

S1. Ans.(c)

S2. Ans.(a)

S3. Ans.(b)

S4. Ans.(d)
S5. Ans.(d)

S6. Ans.(a)

S7. Ans.(d)

S8. Ans.(a)

S9. Ans.(a)

S10. Ans.(d)

S11. Ans.(a)

S12. Ans.(a)

S13. Ans.(d)
S14. Ans.(c)

S15. Ans.(b)

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