Thursday, 2 February 2017

Directions (1-15): In each of the following questions, a paragraph with a blank is given. From the five choices given below, select the sentence which can go into the blank to make the paragraph logically coherent.

Q1. Srinagar is the capital of Kashmir. There are very beautiful scenes all round. The Dal Lake is one among them. [__________] We can hire one of them and voyage along the length and breadth of the lake or live in it for a week or so.
(a) There are several guides to take us round.
(b) There we can see a number of house boats waiting to be hired by the tourists.
(c) It is difficult to count them.
(d) It was dark inside and bright outside.
(e) There are several tourists looking around the place.

Q2. Polio-affected children are found everywhere in India. Recently the Government has started Polio-eradication Scheme. [__________] Unless we take care to co-operate the purpose cannot be fulfilled.
(a) We must help children to take the proper vaccine.
(b) We must take the children to get vaccinated.
(c) Children must remain without any movement.
(d) We must make children exercise.
(e) We need experts to undertake such projects.

Q3. Many film-stars have recently migrated to the area of television. [__________] As the viewers increase their popularity also increases. T.V serials appear to be more paying than the feature films.
(a) Television gives a better chance of action.
(b) There they have a greater number of viewers.
(c) Television is a house hold affair.
(d) If we do not like a TV program we can turn it off.
(e) Television is useful in many ways.

Q4. Man is trying to find out modern means of producing electric power. The solar panel is one of them. [__________] This electricity can light lamps, turn fans or work small household appliances.
(a) It is very cheap and affordable.
(b) We ourselves can make one such device.
(c) It converts sunlight into electricity.
(d) It is easy to work and beautiful to look at.
(e) Electricity is a good substitute for sunlight.

Q5. Air-pollution is one of the gravest problems faced by city-dwellers. Foul gas liberated from heaps of waste matter is one source of pollution. [__________] Recently the Government has made arrangements to measure it. If it is above the allowable limit the vehicles are prohibited from plying along the public roads.
(a) Another source is the smoke emitted by vehicles.
(b) Foul water in the channels is another.
(c) The smell from toddy shops pollutes the air.
(d) Open drainage pollutes the air.
(e) People suffer due to smoke emitted by vehicles.

Q6. Corruption has become rampant in India. Corrupt officials and politicians are ruling over the hapless common man. [__________] People must join together and force them to take necessary legal action.
(a) Politicians with integrity simply withdraw from the scene.
(b) Such officials are welcomed by the general public.
(c) Even police authorities are reluctant to face them.
(d) They do it with the connivance of topmost authorities.
(e) Corruption is the breeding ground for all evils.

Q7. Feature films have a very great influence upon the common people. They have no hesitation in regarding actors as gods. [__________] They must utilize this love and regards to serve the people, not to exploit them.
(a) Gods are expected to protect the devotees.
(b) Though they are gods they are human enough to err.
(c) Gods never walk on earth or collect money.
(d) Some people are ready even to die for them.
(e) Actors are viewed as gods.

Q8. Most of us fall victim to some sort of disease or the other. We can avoid diseases by leading a hygienic life. It is better to bear in mind a simple truth. [__________] The consciousness of this truth will lead us to happiness.
(a) It is impossible to have constant health.
(b) Hygienic life is less costly than medical treatment.
(c) Man is mortal and likely to die at any moment.
(d) Happiness is always evasive.
(e) Health needs good care as we may fall victim to some sort of disease.

Q9. A doctor has succeeded in raising a variety of monkeys similar to human beings. They clean their teeth with brushes and mop their face with towels. [__________] In that case these animals may be called monkey – man and we may be called man – monkeys.
(a) Perhaps they may learn and use human language.
(b) Sometimes they may die after a few days.
(c) The method adopted by the doctor is wonderful.
(d) We can expect a lot of change in the case of other animals also.
(e) Monkeys are good subjects unlike human beings.

Q10. It is wonderful how a word can acquire diagonally opposite meaning. Gandhiji called the socially downcast people by the name Harijans. [__________] But now the Harijans themselves feel that it is a word of insult.
(a) Gandhiji was a social reformer.
(b) Gandhiji had many Harijan friends.
(c) Gandhiji expected to bring them respect by calling them the children of God.
(d) Harijans have risen to such a high position that they feel their brand name ‘Harijan’ to be degrading.
(e) Only Harijans are children of God.

Q11. With the breakdown of the joint family system and with more and more couples opting for a single child, a time will come when relatives will become fewer and fewer. [__________]
(a) People will gradually abandon the nuclear family
(b) The role of friends will become even more important then.
(c) Old age homes will flourish with more and more senior citizens joining them.
(d) Family planning will no longer be valid.
(e) Joint family system will gradually return.

Q12. Information technology will usher in a more vibrant and responsive democracy where people are truly empowered. In the context of such an increasingly IT – oriented world we have to increase computer literacy in the country. [__________]
(a) India, with its poor human resource base, cannot take advantage of the revolution that is happening.
(b) Indian firms have to gear up suitably to meet the emerging challenges in the new millennium, as far as software exports are concerned.
(c) Computer literacy in India needs to improve further.
(d) Internet can be used to create and acquire knowledge in ways that would not be possible otherwise.
(e) Access to computer and the internet should be made available to all so that benefits of technology are enjoyed by everyone.

Q13. The recent economic liberalization by the Government has opened the sluice-valves for free flow of foreign consumer goods into the country. Goods from China and other East Asian markets have now flooded the Indian market. [__________]
(a) The foreign goods which are now available in India are of inferior quality.
(b) The bloodless war of the new millennium waged by China could cause greater havoc to this country.
(c) Smuggling of goods has to be effectively prevented, to save the economy.
(d) Indian products are unable to withstand the competition in price as well as quality from these foreign goods.
(e) Chinese goods can never offer a stiff competition to Indian goods.

Q14. Chess will always have limited spectator appeal. [__________] It is too intellectual and far too rigid in its rules and mode of play for the average person.
(a) It is not a game that can be called having fun with.
(b) Chess has some advantages that other sports do not.
(c) Chess is not a sport for egg heads only.
(d) Chess players will always have a limited fan following.
(e) With a little more encouragement chess players will perform better.

Q15. Most people are poor observers, and receive only a vague or hazy impression of objects around them. [__________] But we receive impressions through the other senses too – touch, taste smell and sound.
(a) Impressions perceived through the sense of sight are not capable of a vivid description.
(b) A person who is blind, is a better observer in most cases than a person who is gifted with eyesight.
(c) People cannot make use of their sense of sight in a productive manner.
(d) Most descriptions are confined to what people see.
(e) What we see we tend to believe and sometimes we see what we want to see.


S1. Ans.(b) 
Sol. There we can see a number of house boats waiting to be hired by the tourists. This sentence is the continuation of the idea expressed in the first sentence.

S2. Ans.(b) 
Sol. We must take the children to get vaccinated.

S3. Ans.(b) 
Sol. There they have a greater number of viewers. The next sentence also talks about the viewers.

S4. Ans.(c) 
Sol. It converts sunlight into electricity.

S5. Ans.(a) 
Sol. Another source is the smoke emitted by vehicles. In previous sentence, first source is talked about.

S6. Ans.(c) 
Sol. Even police authorities are reluctant to face them.

S7. Ans.(d) 
Sol. Some people are ready even to die for them.

S8. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Hygienic life is less costly than medical treatment.

S9. Ans.(a) 
Sol. Perhaps they may learn and use human language.

S10. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  Gandhiji expected to bring them respect by calling them the children of God.

S11. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  The role of friends will become even more important then.

S12. Ans.(e) 
Sol.  Access to computer and the internet should be made available to all so that benefits of technology are enjoyed by everyone.

S13. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  Indian products are unable to withstand the competition in price as well as quality from these foreign goods.

S14. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  Chess players will always have a limited fan following.

S15. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  Most descriptions are confined to what people see.


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