Thursday, 16 February 2017

Directions (1-15): Four alternatives are given for the idiom/phrase bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative which best expresses the meaning of the idiom/phrase and mark it in the Answer sheet.

Q1. He died in harness.
(a) Ceased to live
(b) Died of a disease
(c) Died for his country
(d) Died while working

Q2. All his schemes ended in smoke.
(a) Came to nothing
(b) Got on fire
(c) Burnt up
(d) Attracted everybody

Q3. The meeting has been put off indefinitely.
(a) Cancelled
(b) Postponed
(c) Advanced
(d) Announced

Q4. The rules of the deal are set forth in the brochure.
(a) Stated
(b) Accepted
(c) Contradicted
(d) Printed

Q5. She bought her new house for a song.
(a) Very cheaply
(b) On loan
(c) At a loss
(d) Very easily

Q6. I take exception to your statement that I am bad tempered.
(a) Do not agree
(b) Feel unhappy
(c) Object
(d) Feel angry

Q7. Helena was over head and ears in love with Demetrius.
(a) Carefully
(b) Completely
(c) Brilliantly
(d) Cautiously

Q8. Gopi works By fits and starts.
(a) Consistently
(b) Irregularly
(c) In high spirits
(d) Enthusiastically

Q9. This place affords a bird’s-eye view of the green valley below.
(a) A beautiful view
(b) A narrow view
(c) An overview
(d) An ugly view

Q10. He works In fits and start.
(a) Consistently
(b) Irregularly
(c) In high spirits
(d) Enthusiastically

Q11. She was on the horns of a dilemma as she had either to leave her job or divorce her husband.
(a) In nervous condition
(b) In terrible mood
(c) In difficult situation
(d) In suspense

Q12. As a businessman, my father always maintained that his transactions constituted an open book.
(a) An account book always open
(b) A book of open confessions
(c) An opening for new ventures
(d) Straight forward and honest dealings

Q13. The young boy was kicking his heels in spite of his mother’s stern warnings.
(a) Playing happily
(b) Kicking someone
(c) Wasting time
(d) Passing a gesture of disrespect

Q14. She is too fond of her own voice.
(a) Loves singing
(b) Very selfish
(c) Does not listen properly to anyone else
(d) Very talkative

Q15. Indian police are, on the whole, high-handed in dealing with citizens.
(a) Kind
(b) Overbearing
(c) Prompt
(d) Adept

Solutions :

S1. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  die in harness: To die while still actively working or still of the age or physical condition to do so (i.e., before retirement)

S2. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  End in smoke: If something ends in smoke, it produces no concrete or positive result.

S3. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  put off - to postpone or delay:

S4. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  set forth (or forward)-To present for consideration; propose:

S5. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  for a song- very cheaply.

S6. Ans.(c) 
Sol. take exception (to something)- To express opposition by argument; object to:

S7. Ans.(b) 
Sol. over head and ears- completely trapped

S8. Ans.(b) 
Sol. By fits and starts- with irregular bursts of activity.

S9. Ans.(c) 
Sol. a bird’s-eye view -A view looking down at an object or area from a high elevation.

S10. Ans.(b) 
Sol. In fits and starts- without regular activity or progress, if something happens in fits and starts, it often stops and then starts again

S11. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  on the horns of a dilemma -faced with a decision involving equally unfavourable alternatives.

S12. Ans.(d) 
Sol. an open book- a person or thing that is easy to understand or about which everything is known.

S13. Ans.(c) 
Sol. kick one's heels - wait or pass the time aimlessly or futilely; be kept waiting

S14. Ans.(a) 
Sol. fond of someone or something-liking someone or something

S15. Ans.(b) 
Sol. high-handed-using power or authority without considering the feelings of others.

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