Monday, 13 March 2017

Q1. DBMS is a set of programs, which allows a DBA to:
(a) maintain a database
(b) connect to an application
(c) create an application
(d) create data
(e) None of these

A Database Management System (DBMS) allows a database administrator to maintain a database, which includes various operations, such as creating a database, deleting it, creating tables, and updating records in the database tables.

Q2. Which of the following is not a database type?
(a) Flat-file database
(b) Relational database
(c) Distributed database
(d) Simple database
(e) None of these

Depending on the pattern in which data is stored, databases are classified into three types, namely flat-file database, relational database, and distributed database.

Q3. Which of the following entities is called a strong entity?
(a) Entity having foreign key
(b) Entity having primary key
(c) Entity having alternate key
(d) Entity having candidate key
(e) None of these

An entity set containing a primary key is called a strong entity set. A strong entity set has key attributes.

Q4. Which of the following is not a type of SQL statement?
(a) Data manipulation language
(b) Data definition language
(c) Data standard language
(d) Data control language
(e) None of these

Common categories of SQL statements include DML, DCL, DDL, TCL, etc. DDL statements are used to define a database structure, DML statements are used for the management of data within database objects and DCL statements are used for setting privileges to access data.

Q5. In DBMS, what does DBA stand for?
(a) Database Account
(b) Data Browser Application
(c) Database Administrator
(d) Database Administration
(e) Database Broker Account

DBA stands for Database Administrator. A database administrator is a person having the authority of implementing and maintaining database security, creating users and roles for the database, and updating the database structure when required.

Q6. Pathways that support communication among the various electronic components on the computer system board are called _____________.
(a) Wire Lines
(b) Bus Lines
(c) Logic Paths
(d) Gateways
(e) Network Lines

A system bus comprises of cables and connectors that carries data between main memory of a computer and microprocessor.

Q7. The area of coverage of satellite radio beam is known as _________.
(a) Beam width
(b) Diameter
(c) identify
(d) Footprint
(e) Circular Polarization

The footprint for a communication satellite can be defined as the area on ground, which is used to receive broadcast signals from a specific satellite.

Q8. Which of the following specialized programs is used in locating information on the Web?
(a) Search engine
(b) Information finder
(c) Web browser
(d) Search query
(e) None of these

The search engine searches the Internet for the information you want and displays it on your computer screen. Some popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Bing, Ask, AOL, Look Smart, and Netscape Search.

Q9. Which is of the following terms is used for unsolicited e-mail?
(a) News Group
(b) Usenet
(c) Backbone
(d) Spam
(e) Phishing

Spam is unsolicited e-mail that is mostly sent by an electronic messaging system used by various commercial organizations to send bulk messages to a large number of addresses.

Q10. Which of the following terms is used for buying or selling of goods over the Internet?
(a) e-buying
(b) e-selling
(c) e-business
(d) e-commerce
(e) e-learning

Today, most people use e-commerce to perform monetary transaction (buying or selling goods) online because of the ease, convenience, and security that it provides.

Q11. Which of the following programs is used to restrict access to selected websites?
(a) Channels
(b) Filters
(c) Browsers
(d) Telnet
(e) Drivers

We can use the filters to block Web pages or websites that contains objectionable content or advertisement.

Q12. Web pages are created by using which among the following?
(a) SMTP
(b) HTML
(c) Usenet
(d) Internet
(e) FTP

Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) is a markup language and it is used to create websites or Web pages.

Q13. Which of the following HTML elements is the starting element in all HTML document?
(a) Root
(b) Metadata
(c) Section
(d) Heading
(e) Phrasing

The Root element is the starting element in an HTML document, and it is present in all HTML documents.

Q14. Who invented the QWERTY keyboard?
(a) Carl Sholes
(b) Karl Sholes
(c) Christopher Latham Sholes
(d) Khristopher Sholes
(e) None of these

Christopher Latham Sholes invented the keyboard in 1868.

Q15. What is Windows Vista?
(a) Processor
(b) Operating System
(c) Input device
(d) Memory
(e) None of these

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