Friday, 17 March 2017

Directions (1-10): Fill up the blanks in each of the following sentences using the correct form of the word given in bracket out of the four given alternatives.
 Q1. There is ________ (abound) scope for improvement in your essay.
(a) abounds
(b) abounding
(c) abundance
(d) abundant

Q2. Do not ________ (invasion) other’s privacy.
(a) invading
(b) invaded
(c) invade
(d) invasions

Q3. The children were playing ________ (happy) in the field.
(a) happiness
(b) happily
(c) with happy
(d) with happily

Q4. The child has ________ (dear) itself to everybody.
(a) endear
(b) endeared
(c) Dearing
(d) dearly

Q5. This agreement will ________ (strong) the ties between the two countries.
(a) strongly
(b) strength
(c) strengthen
(d) strengthened

Q6. It is easy to ________ (sermon), but difficult to practice.
(a) sermons
(b) sermonize
(c) sermonic
(d) sermonized

Q7. The girl was full of ________(admire) for the new building.
(a) admired
(b) admiring
(c) admirably
(d) admiration

Q8. The leader ________ (apology) publicly for his actions.
(a) apologize
(b) apologized
(c) apologetic
(d) apologizing

Q9. The girl is ________ (justice) her action on moral grounds.
(a) justiced
(b) justify
(c) justified
(d) justifying

Q10. She has firm ________ (believe) in herself.
(a) belief
(b) believed
(c) believing
(d) believes

Directions (11-15): Pick out the misspelt word out of the four choices a,b,c and d.
(a) acquiescent
(b) tempestuous
(c) celestial
(d) cesation

(a) lecherous
(b) anthral
(c) insured
(d) steadfast

(a) chaste
(b) chaotic
(c) miletant
(d) dubious

(a) inamor
(b) envious
(c) treasure
(d) upbraid

(a) phlegmatic
(b) instrumental
(c) comodious
(d) trivial

S1. Ans.(d) 
Sol. abundant-existing or available in large quantities; plentiful.

S2. Ans.(c) 
Sol. Invade is correct word from. invade-to trespass or encroach upon (privacy, etc)

S3. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Happily is correct word from. Happy- is an adjective, we need adverb form -happily.

S4. Ans.(b) 
Sol. endeared-cause to be loved or liked.

S5. Ans.(c) 
Sol. Strengthen is correct word from.

S6. Ans.(b) 
Sol. sermonize-deliver an opinionated and dogmatic talk to someone.

S7. Ans.(d) 
Sol. Admiration is correct word from.

S8. Ans.(b) 
Sol. Apologized is correct word from.

S9. Ans.(d) 
Sol. Justifying is correct word from.

S10. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  Belief is correct word from.

S11. Ans.(d) 
Sol.  cessation -the fact or process of ending or being brought to an end.

S12. Ans.(b) 
Sol.  enthral-capture the fascinated attention of.

S13. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  militant- favouring confrontational or violent methods in support of a political or social cause.

S14. Ans.(a) 
Sol.  enamor-be filled with love for.

S15. Ans.(c) 
Sol.  commodious-roomy and comfortable.
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