Monday, 13 March 2017

Q1. When Lord Mountbatten became the first Governor General of free India, who among the following became the Governor General for Pakistan?
(a) Lord Mountbatten 
(b) M.A. Jinnah
(c) Liaquat Ali Khan
(d) Shaukat Ali

Q2. The famous INA trials took place in the Red Fort, Delhi in____
(a) 1945
(b) 1946
(c) 1944
(d) 1947

Q3. Who among the following wrote the book ‘A nation in the making’?
(a) Dinbandhu Mitra
(b) Bal Gangadhar Tilak
(c) Surendra Nath Banerjee
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose

Q4 Gandhiji launched the Non-Co-operation Movement in____
(a) 1920
(b) 1919
(c) 1921
(d) 1922

Q5. For which one of the following movements did Mahatma Gandhi give the slogan ‘Do or Die’?
(a) Kheda Satyagraha
(b) Non-Co-Operation Movement
(c) Civil Disobedience Movement
(d) Quit India Movement

Q6. Who among the following was NOT a member of the Cabinet Mission?
(a) Sir Stafford Cripps  
(b) A. V. Alexander
(c) Redcliff
(d) Pethwick Lawrence  

Q7. The freedom fighter who died in jail due to hunger strike was____
(a) Bhagat Singh
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal
(c) Jatin Das
(d) Subhash Chandra Bose

Q8. The date April 6, 1930 is known in Indian History for____
(a) Mahatama Gandhi's breaking law by making salt during Salt Satyagraha
(b) First Round Table Conference 
(c) Gandhi-Irwin Pact 
(d) Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Q9. Find the correct chronological order of the following events from the code given below____
1. Civil Disobedience Movement
2. Individual Satyagraha
3. Quit India Movement
4. Cripps Mission
(a) 1-2-4-3
(b) 1-2-3-4
(c) 2-1-3-4
(d) 2-3-1-4  

Q10.Maulana Abul Kalam Azad started an urdu weekly, the Al-Hilal in 1912, but on its being banned by the Government, he founded the Al-Balagh in____
(a) 1913
(b) 1914
(c) 1915
(d) 1916

 Q11.All India Muslim League was formed at____
(a) Lahore 
(b) Aligarh 
(c) Lucknow 
(d) Dhaka 

Q12. Who of the following revolutionaries set up the United India House in the USA?
(a) Ramnath Puri and Vir Savarkar
(b) Taraknath Das and G.D. Kumar
(c) Lala Hardayal and Bhagat Singh
(d) Harnam Singh and Bhagwan Singh

Q13.Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
(a) Partition of Bengal  1905
(b) Foundation of Muslim League 1906
(c) Surat Split 1907
(d) Transfer of India’s Capital from Calcutta to Delhi 1909 

Q14. Consider the following nationalists_____
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Gopalkrishna Gokhle
3. Bipin Chandra Pal
4.Lala Lajpat Rai

Who among these were referred to as militant nationalist of the freedom movements?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 2 and 4 
(c) 1, 3 and 4 
(d) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Q15. Raja Ram Mohan Roy founded the Brahmo Samaj in
(a) 1828
(b) 1830
(c) 1831
(d) 1930

S1. Ans.(b)

S2. Ans.(b)

S3. Ans.(c)

S4. Ans.(a)

S5. Ans.(d)
S6. Ans.(c)

S7. Ans.(c)

S8. Ans.(a)

S9. Ans.(a)

S10. Ans.(b)

S11. Ans.(d)

S12. Ans.(b)

S13. Ans.(d)

S14. Ans.(c)

S15. Ans.(a)


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