Tuesday, 28 March 2017

Dear Students, SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 Exam is scheduled tentatively in the month of JUNE/JULY 2017. So focusing on the SSC CGL Pre 2017 exam we are providing some of the Polity questions asked in the previous years SSC CGL exams. This will not only help you with your SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 but with all other exams like SSC CHSL, etc.

Q1. The 44th Amendment in the Constitution of India removed the right from the category of Fundamental Rights—
(a) Freedom of speech
(b) Constitutional remedies
(c) Property 
(d) Freedom of religion

Q2. The provisions relating to the Fundamental Rights in the Constitution of India—
(a) Cannot be amended
(b) Can be amended by a simple majority in the Parliament
(c) Can be amended by a two-thirds majority in the Parliament
(d) Can be amended by a two-thirds majority of the members present and voting in the Parliament and ratified by a majority of the State Legislatures

Q3.Which one among the following has the power to regulate the right of citizenship in India?
(a) The Union Cabinet
(b) The Parliament
(c) The Supreme Court
(d) The Law Commission

Q4. The Comptroller and Auditor General of India has been described as the friend, philosopher and guide of:
(a) the Estimates Committee
(b) the Committee on Public Undertakings
(c) the Public Accounts Committee
(d) all the Parliamentary Committees

Q5. The Chief Justice (or a Judge) of the High Court can be removed by the
(a) Chief Justice of the Supreme Court
(b) same procedure as for the Judges of the Supreme Court
(c) Governor
(d) Union Home Ministry

Q6.The financial functions of the Council of Ministers does not include the right
1. to control expenditure out of the Contingency Fund of India
2. to prepare and introduce the Budget in the Parliament
3. to certify whether a Bill is a Money Bill or not
4. to appoint Finance Commission from time to time
(a) 1, 3, 4
(b) 1, 4
(c) 3, 4
(d) 1, 3

Q7. In which Article of the Constitution of India, duration of House of Parliament has been mentioned—
(a) 83
(b) 84
(c) 85
(d) 88

Q8. Under which Constitutional subject in operation, life of Lok Sabha can be extended by one year—
(a) Proclamation of Emergency
(b) Proclamation of President Rule in the State
(c) Proclamation of Amendment to the Constitution
(d) None of the above

Q9. What activities does the President perform in respect of both the Houses of the Parliament—
(a) Time to time to summon each of Parliament
(b) Prorogue either of the House of the Parliament
(c) Dissolve the Lok Sabha
(d) All the above

Q10. Who has the power to present adjournment motion in Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha—
(a) Minister
(b) Deputy Speaker
(c) Prime Minister
(d) Member of the said House

Q11. Who can initiate impeachment of the President?
(a) 1/4th members of either House of the President?
(b) Half other members of either House of the Parliament
(c)Half of the state Legislatures
(d) 1/3rd members of any State Legislature

Q12. Which of the following are a Directive Principle of State Policy?
I. Equal pay for equal work for men and women
II. Equal right to an adequate means of livelihood
III. Abolition of untouchability
IV. Proper and humane condition of work
(a) I, II, III, IV
(b) I, II, IV
(c) I, II, Ill
(d) Only III

Q13. The basic difference between the Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles is-
(a) Fundamental Rights are positive while Directive Principles are negative
(b) Directive Principles are given precedence over Fundamental Rights by the Courts in all cases
(c) Fundamental Rights are justiciable while Directive Principles are not
(d) None of the above

Q14. The Speaker of the Legislative Assembly can be removed from office before his normal term by:
(a) the Chief Minister
(b) the Government
(c) the Legislative Assembly by passing a resolution by majority of its total membership
(d) none of the above

Q15. How can the Fundamental Rights be protected by a citizen?
(a) By approaching the Supreme Court which will issue appropriate writs against the authority
(b) Parliament will take note of such violations and tell the courts
(c) The Executive will inform the Courts
(d) It is automatically protected

S1. Ans.(c)

S2. Ans.(d)

S3. Ans.(b)

 S4. Ans.(c)

S5. Ans.(b)

S6. Ans.(c)

S7. Ans.(a)

S8. Ans.(a)

S9. Ans.(d)

S10. Ans.(d)

S11. Ans.(a)

S12. Ans.(b)

S13. Ans.(c)

S14. Ans.(c)

S15. Ans.(a)

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To get more polity questions for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam check out our other quizzes given in the table below :

SSC Polity Quiz-1 SSC Polity Quiz-2 SSC Polity Quiz-3
SSC Polity Quiz-4 SSC Polity Quiz-5 SSC Polity Quiz-6
SSC Polity Quiz-7 SSC Polity Quiz-8 SSC Polity Quiz-9
For more Updates & Notifications for bank exams like SBI PO, SBI CLERK, IBPS PO, IBPS RRB, IBPS CLERK, IBPS SO, NIACL, SSC CHSL, SSC CGL etc. like our facebook page at :


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