Saturday, 18 March 2017

Dear Aspirants,

We have introduced  "the 45 days study plan to crack SBI PO Prelims Exam 2017". This plan is specifically dedicated to Quantitative Aptitude, English Language & Reasoning  and cover all types of questions asked in Bank PO exams. This will help you to prepare in a more efficient and systematic way. So, follow this post to keep updated with the plan.

Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the following questions:

In a certain code language "higher we goes money"  is written as "ZX5%  YN2@  VT4& FX6*. And " Umbrella kite I satellite" is written as  " AF8@, SX1&, NK4%, LU9*.And  "John belong to America " is written as "VL2@  CA7*  LQ4&  NT6#. And " Sweet are necessary health" is written as " UA5@  LX3#  CT9&  UV6*.

Q1.What is the code for ‘school’ in the given code language?
(a)  CX3#
(b) LU9$
(c) FH6%
(d) KQ7*
(e)None of these

Q2.What is the code for ‘Money Required’ in the given code language?
(a) ZX6@   KL8*
(b) WE7@   UY8*
(c) JH8#  LK5%
(d) PW8%  DJ9#
(e)None of these

Q3.What may be the possible code for ‘do your job’ in the given code language?
(a) QW6#  LQ2@  XB4*
(b) UO7%   TF4#  QK6*
(c)  RT5%  QT8#  YG6*
(d)  VX2#   WE3*  QW4@
(e)None of these

Q4.What may be the possible code for ‘Student school’ in the given code language?
(a) GH6#  JH7*
(b)  TY5* KL9#
(c)  XD5@  HD7#
(d)  QT3# WU8*
(e)None of these

Q5.What is the code for ‘Kind Work’ in the given code language?
(a) PB4*  LZ3#
(b) YF4*  ZM4*
(c)  KW6&  QL4%
(d)  DJ4&WE7*
(e)None of these
Directions (6-10): Study the information and answer the following questions:
In a certain code language ‘level of environment pollution ’ is written as ‘la na ka ta’, ‘cause of the factories’ is written as ‘di re sa la’, ‘the pollution level in city’ is written as ‘ka na di zo fi’ and ‘factories inside the city’ is written as ‘ha di fi re’.

Q6. What is the code for ‘environment'?
(a) ka
(b) ta
(c) fi
(d) na
(e) None of these

Q7. 'na' is the code for which of the following?
(a) level
(b) city
(c) pollution
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q8. Which may be the possible code for 'cause of pollution'?
(a) na fi sa
(b) ka sa la
(c) la ta di
(d) sa zo la
(e) sa la ha

Q9. What is the code for 'inside'?
(a) di
(b) fi
(c) ha
(d) None of these.
(e) Can not determine

Q10. What is the code for "Harmful Environment"?
(a) ta la
(b) ha ta
(c) zo ta
(d) ta re
(e) ta zx

Q11. If " bird fly in sky" is coded as  'za ka vo ta' and " fly high in tree" is coded as '  ka sx fz za' and " tree are bird place" is coded as " ' lv sx vo cz' then in same language" Are" is coded as?
(a) lv
(b) cz
(c) vo
(d) Either (a) or (b)
(e) Either (a) or (c)

Q12. If "School education guarantee" is coded as ' sx ft rl' and " payment guarantee solution" is coded as 'ny aq ft'  and " solution with result" is coded as " 'lx cz aq' then what is the code for " "payment with result"?
(a) lx cz aq
(b) lx ft cz
(c) lx ny cz
(d) lx ny sx
(e) None of these

Directions (13-15): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it:
Digit  6 1 5 7 0 2 4 9 8 3
Code S H L V F D K Q M P
Following conditions are to be observed:
(i) If the first digit is even and the last digit is odd, they are to be coded as % and @ respectively.
(ii) If the first digit is odd the last digit is even, they are to be coded as # and * respectively.
(iii) If 0 is preceded as well as followed by an odd digit, then 0 is to be coded as &
(iv) If 0 is preceded as well as followed by an even digit, then 0 is to be coded as ^
(v) 0 is not considered as either even or odd.

Q13. What will be the code for 4976795?
(c) %QVSVS@
(d) %QVSVQ@
(e) None of these

Q14. What will be the code for 7567049?
(a) #LSVFK*
(e) None of these

Q15. What will be the code for 5780294?
(b) #VMFDP*
(c) #VM^DQ*
(d) #VMFDQ*
(e) None of these

Important Note:

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