Sunday, 19 March 2017

Dear Aspirants,

SSC CGL descriptive paper is over now. In this post, we will provide the Exam analysis for Tier-III descriptive paper. The Descriptive paper has been introduced first time in the SSC CGL 2016 only. There are mainly three components of descriptive paper namely Essay Writing, Precis writing and Letter Writing. 

There were total 2 questions to be solved in 60 min. time limit. All 2 questions were mandatory to solve. there was no choice to choose from. 

1.Essay Topics asked on 19th March 2017 Descriptive paper

Only one essay was asked: 50 marks

Word limit: 250 words 

Topic- In the event of an earthquake, what you should do, what you should not.
2.Letter Writing Questions asked on 19th March 2017 Descriptive paper

Only one informal Letter was asked: 50 marks

Word limit: 150 words

Letter Topic: Considering yourself Narendra/Seema, Write a letter to your brother Suresh explaining the present advantage of computer-based exams and what will be the future shortfall of it.

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