Dear Aspirants, At Crackbankexam, we've launched our SSC CGL 2017 Campaign. In order to achieve success in the CGL-17 exam, we will post English questions based on the latest pattern of SSC CGL. Hence, we have decided to post ENGLISH QUIZ daily. Today in this post we have provided mixed questions. We'll post different topics, these quizzes will help you a lot in your complete preparation for the Exam. We're also providing Vocabulary for SSC exams. At SSC adda, we have also provided English Grammar Rules for SSC CGL 2017.
Q1. Which one of the following can be used as a substitute for the words written in capital letters in the sentence, “There is no meaning to CRY OVER THE SPILT MILK since the matter is over”?
(a) No use of worrying about
(b) No use of spilling now
(c) No use of celebration
(d) No use of asking for
Q2. Which one of the following can be used as a substitute for the words written in capital letters in the sentence, “Serving the sufferers is true YEOMAN’s SERVICE”?
(a) A risky job
(b) An amusing job
(c) An excellent work
(d) An unwanted job
Q3. Which one of the following words can be used as a substitute for the phrase, “That which cannot be taken by force”?
(a) Impossible
(b) Improbable
(c) Impeccable
(d) Impregnable
Q4. Which one of the following is the appropriate question tag in the sentence, “Take a seat, ________”?
(a) shall you?
(b) can’t you?
(c) won’t you?
(d) would you?
Q5. Which one of the following is the appropriate question tag in the sentence, “Anyone can make mistakes, ________”?
(a) isn’t it?
(b) shall they?
(c) can’t they?
(d) is it?
Q6. Which one of the following phrasal verbs may be used in the space in the sentence, “He is fond of art and seems ________ (suited) to be an artist”?
(a) fit out
(b) bring out
(c) cut out
(d) suit out
Q7. Which one of the following phrasal verbs may be used in the blank space in the sentence, “We were happy in the beginning, but now all the troubles have ________ (appeared?”?
(a) cropped up
(b) cut out
(c) weed out
(d) rushed in
Q8. Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence, “I cannot comply with the QUEER regulations of your land”?
(a) Strange
(b) Nimble
(c) Earnest
(d) Customary
(a) Strange
(b) Nimble
(c) Earnest
(d) Customary
Q9. Which one of the following words can be used as a substitute for the phrase, “A nursery where children of working parents cared for while their parents are at work”?
(a) Sculler
(b) Creche
(c) Dormitory
(d) Refectory
Q10. Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence, “The FUNDAMENTAL character of an individual defines his entire life”?
(a) Productive
(b) Essential
(c) Successful
(d) Effective
Q11. Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence, “She has the habit of using HACKNEYED and redundant examples from her past even while dealing with the future generation”?
(a) Indifferent
(b) Imaginative
(c) Cliched
(d) Impressive
Q12. Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence, “She is an IMMACULATE soul whose presence makes all the difference?”
(a) Spotless
(b) Excited
(c) ordinary
(d) paralleled
Q13. Which one of the following is the antonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence, “There is a great deal of ENMITY”?
(a) Amity
(b) Cooperation
(c) Dispute
(d) Hostility
Q14. Which one of the following is the antonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence “She was RELUCTANT to sell her car”?
(a) Anxious
(b) Happy
(c) Eager
(d) Unwilling
Q15. What is the antonym of the word JOCULAR?
(a) Serious
(b) Hackneyed
(c) Escape
(d) redemption
S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. CRY OVER THE SPILT MILK - to be unhappy about what cannot be undone.
S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. yeoman's service-exceptionally good, useful, or loyal service or assistance
S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. Impregnable -unable to be defeated or overcome.
S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. won’t you? First part of the question tag is positive, hence the second has to be in negative form.
S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. First part of the question tag is positive, hence the second has to be in negative form.
S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. cut out -To be fit for or suited to something by nature
S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. crop up-To happen or appear, often unexpectedly
S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. QUEER -strange; odd.
S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. Creche-a nursery where babies and young children are cared for during the working day.
S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. FUNDAMENTAL-a central or primary rule or principle on which something is based.
synonyms: basics, essentials, rudiments, foundations, basic principles,
S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. HACKNEYED -(of a phrase or idea) having been overused; unoriginal and trite.
cliché- a phrase or opinion that is overused and betrays a lack of original thought.
S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. IMMACULATE-perfectly clean, neat, or tidy.
S13. Ans.(a)
Sol. ENMITY-a state or feeling of active opposition or hostility.
Amity- friendly relations.
S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. RELUCTANT-unwilling and hesitant; disinclined.
S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. jocular- fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful. Hence, ‘serious’ will be antonym of the word jocular.
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