Monday, 24 April 2017

Dear Students, SSC CGL Pre 2017 Exam is scheduled tentatively in the month of JUNE/JULY 2017. So focusing on the SSC CGL Pre 2017 exam we are providing some of the questions asked in the previous years SSC CGL exams. This will not only help you with your SSC CGL Pre 2017 but with all other exams like SSC CHSL, etc.

Q1. Shivaji died in the year
(a) 1676
(b) 1677
(c) 1678
(d) 1680

Q2. Who among the following Maratha women led struggles against of Mughal empire from 1700 AD onwards?
(a) Ahalya Bai
(b) Mukta Bai
(c) Tara Bai
(d) Rukmini Bai

Q3. In Shivaji’s Council of Ministers, the Prime Minister was called
(a) Peshwa
(b) Mantri
(c) Sachiv
(d) Sumanta

Q4. First decisive military success of English East India Company in india is marked by
(a) Battle of Buxar
(b) Battle of Plassey
(c) Battle of Wandiwash
(d) Battle of Chilianwala

Q5. Ram Mohan Roy was given the title of Raja by
(a) Lord William Bentinck
(b) Akbar II
(c) Followers of Brahma Samaj
(d) Intellectuals opposing the custom of Sati

Q6. The leading light of the Renaissance Movement in India was
(a) Devendra Nath Tagore
(b) Keshav Chandra Sen
(c) Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
(d) Raja Ram Mohan Roy

Q7. Who was the first Viceroy of India?
(a) Lord Canning
(b) Warren Hastings
(c) Lord William Bentinck
(d) Lord Curzon

Q8. Who was the propounder of the Drain Theory in India?
(a) R.C. Dutta
(b) Henry Cotton
(c) S.N. Banerjee
(d) Dadabhai Naoroji

Q9. The national leader who was elected President (Speaker) of the Central Legislative Assembly in 1925 was
(a) Motilal Nehru
(b) C.R. Das
(c) Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Subhash chand Bose

Q10. Who among the following said about Mahatma Gandhi, “Generations to come, it may be, will scarce believe that such one as this, ever in flesh and blood, walked upon this earth”?
(a) Jawahar Lal Nehru
(b) Dr. Rajendra Prasad
(c) Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel
(d) Albert Einstein

Q11. The main reason for the boycott of Simon Commission in India was
(a) Appointment before time
(b) All the members were Englishmen
(c) Chairman was a member of British Liberal Party
(d) None of these

Q12. The system of separate electorates was introduced by the Act of
(a) 1813
(b) 1835
(c) 1895
(d) 1909

Q13. Shyamji Krishna Verma established Indian Home rule society in
(a) London
(b) Paris
(c) Berlin
(d) San Francisco

Q14. Who among the following is remembered for the annulment of the Partition of Bengal?
(a) Lord Chelmsford
(b) Lord Hardings
(c) Lord Minto
(d) Lord Curzon

Q15. ‘Abhinav Bharat’ a secret society of revolutionaries was organised in 1904 by
(a) Aurobindo Ghosh
(b) Bipin Chandra Pal
(c) Rash Bihari Bose
(d) V.D.Savarkar


S1. Ans.(d)

S2. Ans.(c)

S3. Ans.(a)

S4. Ans.(a)
S5. Ans.(b)

S6. Ans.(d)

S7. Ans.(a)

S8. Ans.(d)

S9. Ans.(c)

S10. Ans.(d)

S11. Ans.(b)

S12. Ans.(d)

S13. Ans.(a)
S14. Ans.(b)

S15. Ans.(d)

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To get more history questions for SSC CGL Pre Exam check out our other quizzes given in the table below :

SSC  History Quiz - 1 SSC  History Quiz - 2 SSC History Quiz - 3
SSC  History Quiz - 4 SSC History Quiz - 5 SSC History Quiz - 6
SSC  History Quiz - 7 SSC  History Quiz - 8 SSC History Quiz - 9
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