Friday, 14 April 2017

Dear Students, SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 Exam is scheduled tentatively in the month of JUNE/JULY 2017. So focusing on the SSC CGL Pre 2017 exam we are providing some of the Polity questions asked in the previous years SSC CGL exams. This will not only help you with your SSC CGL Tier-1 2017 but with all other exams like SSC CHSL, etc.

Q1.Concept of welfare state in Indian Constitution is included in
(a) Fundamental Rights
(b) Directive principles of state policy
(c) Citizenship
(d) Provision of Election Commission

Q2.In which year fundamental duties were included in the Indian Constitution?
(a) 1974 
(b) 1975
(c) 1976 
(d) 1977

Q3.How many subjects are kept under the jurisdiction of panchayats in the eleven schedule of the Constitution?
(a) 27 
(b) 28
(c) 29 
(d) 30

Q4.Which one of the following committees recommended the inclusion of fundamental duties in the Indian Constitution?
(a) Barua Committee
(b) Ramaswamy Committee
(c) Sikri Committee
(d) Swarn Singh Committee

Q5.When did the Indian Constitution Assembly meet for the first time?
(a) 26 Jan, 1950 
(b) 15Aug, 1947
(c) 9 Dec, 1946 
(d) 19 Nov, 1949

Q6.In order to be recognised as an official opposition group in the Parliament
(a) 1/3rd of the total strength
(b) 1/4th of the total strength
(c) 1/6th of the total strength
(d) 1/10th of the total strength

Q7.The speaker’s vote in the Lok Sabha is called
(a) Casting vote 
(b) Sound vote
(c) Direct vote 
(d) Indirect vote

Q8.The first joint meeting of both the houses of the Indian parliament was held in connection with? 
(A)Dowry abolition bill
(B)Hindu code bill
(C)Gold control bill
(d)Bank nationalization bill

Q9.In case the President wishes to resign, to whom is he to address his resignation letter?
(a) Chief Justice of India
(b) Secretary of Lok Sabha
(c) Vice President
(d) Prime Minister

Q10.Under which Prime Minister were the 73rd and 74th amendment implemented?
(a) Narasimha Rao
(b) Indira Gandhi
(c) Rajiv Gandhi
(d) Atal Bihari Vajpayee

Q11.Which is the first state in South India to introduce Panchayati Raj?
(a) Andhra Pradesh
(b) Kerala
(c) Tamil Nadu
(d) Karnatka

Q12.Who was the Chief Justice of India when public Interest Litigation (PIL) was introduced to the Indian judicial system?
(a) M. Hidayatullah 
(b) A.M. Ahmadi
(c) P.N. Bhagwati 
(d) A.S. Anand

Q13.The system of judicial review originated in

Q14.Where the High Courts in India first set up ?
(b)delhi and calcutta
(d)Madras and calcutta

Q15.Who coined the term ‘Hindu rate of growth’ for Indian economy?
(a) A.K. Sen
(b) Kirit S. Parich
(c) Raj Krishna
(d) Montek Singh Ahluwalia


S1. Ans.(b)

S2. Ans.(c)

S3. Ans.(c)

S4. Ans.(d)

S5. Ans.(c)

S6. Ans.(d)

S7. Ans.(a)

S8. Ans.(a)

S9. Ans.(c)

S10. Ans.(a)

S11. Ans.(a)

S12. Ans.(c)

S13. Ans.(d)

S14. Ans.(c)

S15. Ans.(c)

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To get more polity questions for SSC CGL Tier-1 Exam check out our other quizzes given in the table below :

SSC Polity Quiz-1 SSC Polity Quiz-2 SSC Polity Quiz-3
SSC Polity Quiz-4 SSC Polity Quiz-5 SSC Polity Quiz-6
SSC Polity Quiz-7 SSC Polity Quiz-8 SSC Polity Quiz-9
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