Tuesday, 30 May 2017

Dear Aspirants, you have many exams lined up such as  SBI PO, Dena Bank PO, RBI Grade- B scheduled in the upcoming days or months. Recently, New Pattern English Questions have been asked in many exams. So, we are providing these 15 English Questions, which are high in difficulty level, Practice and test your understanding of English language.
Directions (1-10): Replace the highlighted words in the given sentences with the appropriate synonym.

Q1. The intent of the innovation is to obviate the time spent in converting writing to speech and vice versa in class.
(a) actuate
(b) aggregate
(c) preclude
(d) occlude
(e) decimal 

Q2. The concept of punishment has become a virtual taboo; it is regarded as primitive, atavistic, an uneducated desire for vengeance, and a throwback to an uncivilized age.
(a) regressive
(b) deficient
(c) emergent
(d) fallible
(e) entrenched

Q3. Dissociation is a method by which the personality utilizes one part of the organism independently of the antagonistic trends of the personality.
(a) hypocritical 
(b) illimitable
(c) litigious
(d) adversarial
(e) maudlin

Q4. Her family is a storied one, albeit the kind of stories that involved yellow journalism, character assassination, political manipulation and gossip mongering.
(a) mettlesome
(b) chronicled
(c) sinuous
(d) privileged
(e) initiating

Q5. Mill’s concern for the status of women dovetails with the rest of his thought-it is not a disconnected issue.
(a) interlocks
(b) cuts
(c) intersects
(d) stultifies
(e) resonates

Q6. Picasso is generally considered in his technical virtuosity, enormous versatility, and incredible originality and prolificity to have been the foremost figure in 20th–century art.
(a) tenacity
(b) utility
(c) temerity
(d) veracity
(e) fecundity

Q7. The persistence of explicit bias in contemporary culture has led some critics to maintain that implicit bias is of secondary concern. But hundreds of studies of implicit bias show that its effects can be equally insidious.
(a) veracity 
(b) tremulous
(c) vacuous
(d) stealthy
(e) harmless

Q8. Humid weather will also ratchet up the sweating rate—but in high humidity, sweat typically drips off the body rather than evaporating, thus providing no cooling effect.
(a) pawl
(b) tinge
(c) subsist
(d) tarry
(e) notch

Q9. Borrowing principles from industries like aviation, the matrix of systems Volvo and other carmakers are working on will interact to start crash prevention and mitigation hours, rather than milliseconds, before impact.
(a) template
(b) proxy
(c) progeny
(d) mural
(e) forces

Q10. It matters to us what happens to us after we die. This statement is a truism to most reflective adults, and it is confirmed rather than contradicted by the contemporary culture of death-denial.
(a) truncation
(b) anarchism
(c) platitude
(d) fruition
(e) nemesis

Directions (11-15): In each of the following sentences, five options are given. You are required to identify the best way of writing the sentence in the context of the correct usage of standard written English. While doing so, you have to ensure that the message being conveyed remains the same in all the cases.Option A repeats the given sentence as it is.If there is no correction required, select option A.  

Q11. With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher came.
(a) With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher came.
(b) With the exception of Dipanjan and me, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher came.
(c) With the exception of Dipanjan and me, everyone in the class had finished the assignment before the teacher came.
(d) With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class had finished the assignment before the bell rang.
(e) With the exception of Dipanjan and I, everyone in the class finished the assignment before the teacher comes.

Q12. Familiar with the terrain from previous visits, the explorer’s search for the Big Monkey’s abode was a success.
(a) Familiar with the terrain from previous visits, the explorer’s search for the Big Monkey’s abode was a success.
(b) Familiar with the terrain from previous visits, the success of the explorer’s search for the Big Monkey’s abode was a mere formality.
(c) Familiar with the terrain from previous visits, the explorer succeeded in finding the Big Monkey’s abode.
(d) Familiar with the terrain from previous visits, the search by the explorer for the Big Monkey’s abode was successful.
(e) Familiar of the terrain with previous visits, the explorer succeeded in searching the Big Monkey’s abode.

Q13. Liberalisation has gone hand in hand and has offered incentives for things as personal initiative, ambition, loyalty, hard work, and resourcefulness.
(a) Liberalisation has gone hand in hand and has offered incentives for such things as personal initiative, ambition, loyalty, hard work, and resourcefulness.
(b) Liberalisation has gone hand in hand with and has offered incentives for such things as personal initiative and ambition, loyalty, hard work, and resourcefulness.
(c) Liberalisation had going hand in hand with and has offered incentives for such things as personal initiative and ambition, loyalty, hard work, and resourcefulness.
(d) Liberalisation has gone hand in hand and is offering incentives for such things as personal initiative ambition, loyalty, hard work, and resourcefulness.
(e) Liberalisation has gone hand in hand while and providing incentives for such things as personal initiative and ambition, loyalty, hard work, and resourcefulness.

Q14. I am not to eager to go to this movie because it did not get good reviews.
(a) I am not to eager to go to this movie because it did not get good reviews.
(b) Because of its poor reviews, I am not too eager to go to this movie.
(c) I am not too eager to go to this movie because the critics did not give it good reviews.
(d) I am not too eager to go to this movie because of its poor reviews.
(e) I am not too eager to go to these movie because of its poor reviews.

Q15. May I venture to say that I think this batting performance is the most superior I have ever seen?
(a) May I venture to say that I think this batting performance is the most superior I have ever seen?
(b) May I venture to say that this batting performance is the most superior I have ever seen?
(c) May I say that this batting performance is the most superior I have ever seen?
(d) I think this performance is superior to any I have ever seen.
(e) May I venture to say that this batting performance is more superior to anyone I have ever seen.


S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. obviate -remove (a need or difficulty). 
preclude-prevent from happening; make impossible. Hence, obviate and preclude are synonyms. 

S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. atavistic-relating to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral.
atavistic-opposing progress; returning to a former less advanced state
regressive-returning to a former or less developed state; characterized by regression.
entrenched-(of an attitude, habit, or belief) firmly established and difficult or unlikely to change; ingrained.
fallible-capable of making mistakes or being wrong.
Hence, atavistic and regressive are synonyms. 

S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. antagonistic -showing or feeling active opposition or hostility towards someone or something.
adversarial-involving or characterized by conflict or opposition.
hence, antagonistic and adversarial are synonyms.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. mettlesome-(of a person or animal) full of spirit and courage; lively.
sinuous-having many curves and turns.
chronicled-record (a series of events) in a factual and detailed way.
storied-recorded or celebrated in history or story.
Hence, storied and chronicled are closely related in meaning.

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. stultify-cause to lose enthusiasm and initiative, especially as a result of a tedious or restrictive routine.
dovetail-fit or cause to fit together easily and conveniently.
interlock-(of two or more things) engage with each other by overlapping or by the fitting together of projections and recesses.
Hence, dovetail and interlock are synonyms. Others words are different in meaning. 

S6. Ans.(e)
Sol. temerity-excessive confidence or boldness; audacity.
tenacity-the quality or fact of being able to grip something firmly; grip.
prolific - intellectually productive; "a prolific writer"; "a fecund imagination"
fecundity-the ability to produce many new ideas.
Hence, prolificity and fecundity are synonyms.

S7. Ans.(d)
Sol. tremulous-shaking or quivering slightly.
vacuous-having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.
insidious-proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with very harmful effects.
stealthy-Marked by or acting with quiet, caution, and secrecy intended to avoid notice.
Hence, insidious and stealthy are synonyms. 

S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. ratchet-cause something to rise (or fall) as a step in what is perceived as an irreversible process.
notch-A level or degree. Hence, ratchet and notch are closely related to each other. 

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. matrix -a mass of fine-grained rock in which gems, crystals, or fossils are embedded.
template-a shaped piece of rigid material used as a pattern for processes such as cutting out, shaping, or drilling. 
Hence, matrix and template are synonyms to each other. 

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. platitude-a remark or statement, especially one with a moral content, that has been used too often to be interesting or thoughtful.
truism-a statement that is obviously true and says nothing new or interesting.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. C. This corrects the two errors in this sentence – the error in case (me for I) and the error in tense (had finished for finished).

S12. Ans.(c)
Sol. C. In choices A, B, and D, the modifier familiar is dangling. Choice C corrects the error while retaining the original meaning of the sentence and conveying it most concisely.

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. B. The preposition with is needed to complete the phrase has gone hand in hand with. Choice C unnecessarily loses the parallel structure.

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. D. It is the shortest and most concise form of writing the sentence while retaining the original idea.

S15. Ans.(a)
Sol. A. The correct answer is Option A.

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