Just a few days are left for SBI PO and NIACL Assistant Examination. It is time to pace up your preparation for SBI PO Prelims and NIACL Assistant Mains 2017. These Reasoning questions will also help you in preparing for BOB PO and NICL AO 2017 recruitment examination.
Directions (1-5): Study the information and answer the given questions:There are seven people A, B, C, D, E, F, and G. They all were born on different years viz. 1952, 1959, 1963, 1972, 1979, 1987, and 2002 but not necessarily in same order. But the date and month of birth of all these persons are same. Calculation is done with respect to the present year 2017 and assuming months and date to be same. The age of A is divisible by 5 but A is not oldest person. The difference between age of G and A is 7year. B was born in odd number of year before G but not in 1959. The age of C is double the age of D. E is not the oldest person.
Q1. G borns in which of the following year?
(a) 1979
(c) 1959
(d) 1952
(e) 2002
Q2.How many person are younger than C?
(a) Four
(b) Three
(c) Two
(e) None of these
Q3.Who among following is oldest?
(a) A
(d) E
Q4. What will be the age of A after three year from now?
(a) 18 year
(b)33 year
(c) 61 year
(d)48 year
(e)57 year
Q5.Who among following is youngest?
(a) F
(b) E
(d) C
S1. Ans.(a)
S2. Ans.(d)
S3. Ans.(e)
S4. Ans.(d)
S5. Ans.(c)
Q6.If 2 is subtracted from each odd digit in the number 32476589 and 1 is added to each even digit in number then which of the following digit is repeated in the digits so obtained ?
(a) 3,5,4
(c) 9,3,4
(d) 8,7,3
(e) 3,5,7
S6. Ans.(e)
Sol.32476589= 13557397
So repeated digits are=3,5,7
Directions (7-8): Read the given information carefully and answer the given questions.
Each of the six friends P, Q, R, S, T and U has a different weight. R is heavier than T but lighter than U. Q is lighter than only P. T is not the lightest. T weighs 50 kg. The one who is the third heaviest weighs 63 kg.
Q7. Whose weight could possibly be 49 kg?
(a) S
(b) Q
(c) P
(d) R
(e) U
Q8. Which of the following weights correctly represents possible weight of R?
(a) 65 kg
(b) 48 kg
(c) 67 kg
(d) 61 kg
(e) 63 kg
Solution (7-8):
P > Q > U(63%) > R > T(50%) > S
S7. Ans.(a)
S8. Ans.(d)
Directions (9-10): Study the following information and answer the given question:
Point F is 10 m to the south of E. Point G is 3 m to the east of F. Point H is 5 m to the south of G. Point I is 6 m to the west of H. Point J is 10 m to the north of I. Point K is 6 m to the east of J. Point L is 5 m to the north of K.
Q9. Which of the following represents the direction of point G with respect to point J?
(a) south-east
(b) north-west
(c) south-west
(d) south
(e) north-east
Q10. How far and in which direction is point E from point L?
(a) 5m south
(b) 3m east
(c) √24 m north
(d) 3m west
(e) 5m north
S9. Ans.(a)
S10. Ans.(d)
Q11. In a certain code language ‘he was not absent’ is written as ‘ja si fe ra’; ‘absent case was not’ is written as ‘ga fe ja ra’; and ‘no one was absent’ is written as ‘da ge ra fe’. What does ‘si’ stand for?
(a) was
(b) not
(c) one
(d) he
(e) case
S11. Ans.(d)
Sol.si= he
(a) A, F
(b) A, B
(c) B, F
(d) A, B, F
(e) None of these
S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. D > E > C > F > B > A
P > L ? A ≥ N = T
(a) ≤
(b) >
(c) <
(d) ≥
(e) Either ≤ or <
S13. Ans.(d)
Q14. Which of the following should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression B > N as well as D ≤ L definitely true?
B _ L _ O _ N _ D
(a) =, =, ≥, ≥
(b) >, ≥, =, >
(c) >, <, =, ≤
(d) >, =, =, ≥
(e) >, =, ≥, >
S14. Ans.(d)
Q15. Which of the following symbols should be placed in the blank spaces respectively (in the same order from left to right) in order to complete the given expression in such a manner that makes the expression F > N and U > D definitely false?
F _ O _ U _ N _ D
(a) <, <, >, =
(b) <, =, =, >
(c) <, =, =, <
(d) ≥, =, =, ≥
(e) >, >, =, <
S15. Ans.(c)
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