Wednesday, 24 May 2017

We have SBI PO, BOB PO, Dena Bank PORBI Grade- B scheduled in the upcoming days or months. Recently, New Pattern English Questions have been asked  in many exams. So, we are providing these 15 Sentence Correction Questions, where are high in difficulty level, Practice and test your understanding of English language. 

Directions (1-15): For each of the following questions, a part or the whole of the original sentence has been highlighted in bold. You have to find the best way of writing the bold part of the sentence. Option A repeats the bold part, if the bold part is grammatically correct then choose option A. 

Q1. Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.

(a) Heavy commitment by an executive to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes it likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.
(b) An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that worked well in the past, makes missing signs of incipient trouble or misinterpreting ones likely when they do appear.
(c) An executive who is heavily committed to a course of action is likely to miss or misinterpret signs of incipient trouble when they do appear, especially if it has worked well in the past.
(d) Executives’ being heavily committed to a course of action, especially if it has worked well in the past, makes them likely to miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpreting them when they do appear.
(e) Being heavily committed to a course of action, especially one that has worked well in the past, is likely to make an executive miss signs of incipient trouble or misinterpret them when they do appear.

Q2. As rainfall began to decrease in the Southwest about the middle of the twelfth century, most of the Monument Valley Anasazi abandoned their homes to join other clans whose access to water was less limited.

(a) whose access to water was less limited
(b) where there was access to water that was less limited
(c) where they had less limited water access
(d) with less limitations on water access
(e) having less limitations to water access

Q3. Yellow jackets number among the 900 or so species of the world’s social wasps, wasps living in a highly cooperative and organized society where they consist almost entirely of females – the queen and her sterile female workers.

(a) wasps living in a highly cooperative and organized society where they consist almost entirely of
(b) wasps that live in a highly cooperative and organized society consisting almost entirely of
(c) which means they live in a highly cooperative and organized society, almost all
(d) which means that their society is highly cooperative, organized, and it is almost entirely
(e) living in a society that is highly cooperative, organized, and it consists of almost all

Q4. El Nino, the periodic abnormal warming of the sea surface off Peru, a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated in the western Pacific to flow back to the east.

(a) a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine allowing the warm water that has accumulated
(b) a phenomenon where changes in the ocean and atmosphere are combining to allow the warm water that is accumulating
(c) a phenomenon in which ocean and atmosphere changes combine and which allows the warm water that is accumulated
(d) is a phenomenon in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine to allow the warm water that has accumulated
(e) is a phenomenon where ocean and atmosphere changes are combining and allow the warm water accumulating

Q5. Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, capitalized on her keen observation and love of the natural world.

(a) Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives,
(b) In her book illustrations, carefully coordinating them with her narratives, Beatrix Potter 
(c) In her book illustrations, which she carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter
(d) Carefully coordinated with her narratives, Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations
(e) Beatrix Potter, in her book illustrations, carefully coordinated them with her narratives and

Q6. Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is precisely the opposite, a tool for communicating with a large, public audience.

(a) Marconi’s conception of the radio was as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation; instead, it is
(b) Marconi conceived of the radio as a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, but which is
(c) Marconi conceived of the radio as a tool for private conversation that could substitute for the telephone; instead, it has become
(d) Marconi conceived of the radio to be a tool for private conversation, a substitute for the telephone, which
(e) Marconi conceived of the radio to be a substitute for the telephone, a tool for private conversation, other than what it is,

Q7. Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, is finding uses in medicine, archaeology, and criminology.

(a) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(b) Originally developed for detecting air pollutants, having the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it, a technique called proton-induced X-ray emission
(c) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which can quickly analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance without destroying it,
(d) A technique originally developed for detecting air pollutants, called proton-induced X-ray emission, which has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying it,
(e) A technique that was originally developed for detecting air pollutants and has the ability to analyze the chemical elements in almost any substance quickly and without destroying the substance, called proton-induced X-ray emission,

Q8. Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who as adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.

(a) Authoritative parents are more likely than permissive parents to have children who are adolescents are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.
(b) Authoritative parents who are more likely than permissive parents to have adolescent children that are self-confident, high in self-esteem, and responsibly independent.
(c) Children of authoritative parents, rather than permissive parents, are the more likely to be self-confidence, a high self-esteem, and to be responsibly independent as adolescent.
(d) Children whose parents are authoritative rather than being permissive, are more likely to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem, and be responsibly independent when they are an adolescent.
(e) Rather than permissive parents, the children of authoritative parents are the more likely to have self-confidence, a high self-esteem, and to be responsibly independent as an adolescent.

Q9. Among the objects found in the excavated temple were small terra-cotta effigies left by supplicants who were either asking the goddess Bona Dea’s aid in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help.

(a) in healing physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help
(b) in healing physical and mental ills and to thank her for helping
(c) in healing physical and mental ills, and thanking her for helping
(d) to heal physical and mental ills or to thank her for such help
(e) to heal physical and mental ills or thanking her for such help

Q10. Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of The Messenger were two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.

(a) Published in Harlem, the owner and editor of The Messenger were two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader.
(b) Published in Harlem, two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, were the owner and editor of The Messenger.
(c) Published in Harlem, The Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and Chandler Owen.
(d) The Messenger was owned and edited by two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, and published in Harlem.
(e) The owner and editor being two young journalists, Chandler Owen and A. Philip Randolph, who would later make his reputation as a labor leader, The Messenger was published in Harlem.

Q11. Construction of the Roman Colosseum, which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, was completed a decade later, during the reign of Titus, who opened the Colosseum with a one-hundred-day cycle of religious pageants, gladiatorial games, and spectacles.

(a) which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian,
(b) officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
(c) which was officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, began in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and
(d) officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater and begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian it
(e) officially known as the Flavian Amphitheater, which was begun in A.D. 69, during the reign of Vespasian, and

Q12. As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.

(a) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision, it would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind if it were an adult with such vision.
(b) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500, or legally blind as an adult.
(c) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision would be rated about 20/500; qualifying it to be legally blind if an adult.
(d) A baby emerges from the darkness of the womb with a rudimentary sense of vision that would be rated about 20/500; an adult with such vision would be deemed legally blind.
(e) As a baby emerges from the darkness of the womb, its rudimentary sense of vision, which would deemed legally blind for an adult, would be rated about 20/500.

Q13. Because there are provisions of the new maritime code that provide that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, they have already stimulated international disputes over uninhabited islands.

(a) Because there are provisions of the new maritime code that provide that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, they have already stimulated
(b) Because the new maritime code provides that even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas, it has already stimulated
(c) Even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas under provisions of the new maritime code, already stimulating
(d) Because even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas under provisions of the new maritime code, this has already stimulated
(e) Because even tiny islets can be the basis for claims to the fisheries and oil fields of large sea areas under provisions of the new maritime code, which is already stimulating

Q14. The original building and loan associations were organized as limited life funds, whose members made monthly payments on their share subscriptions, then taking turns drawing on the funds for home mortgages.

(a) subscriptions, then taking turns drawing
(b) subscriptions, and then taking turns drawing
(c) subscriptions and then took turns drawing
(d) subscriptions and then took turns, they drew
(e) subscriptions and then drew, taking turns

Q15. Gall’s hypothesis of there being different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today.

(a) of there being different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today
(b) of different mental functions that are localized in different part of the brain is widely accepted today
(c) that different mental functions are localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today
(d) which is that there are different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain is widely accepted today
(e) which is widely accepted today is that there are different mental functions localized in different parts of the brain


S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. Rhetorical construction; Logical predication
This sentence explains that an executive who is blindly committed to a proven course of action is likely to overlook or misinterpret indicators that the plan may no longer be working. The sentence needs to make clear who may misinterpret these indicators.
(e) Correct. The grammatical structure of this sentence and the appropriate placement of modifiers expresses the meaning clearly and concisely.

S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. Diction; Logical predication
In the original sentence, the underlined/bold clause provides a clear, correct, and succinct comparison, explaining the reason for the migration. The possessive pronoun “whose” correctly refers to its immediate antecedent, clans, and modifies access. For those other clans, access to water was less limited than it was for the Anasazi.
(a) Correct. This sentence uses a clear, concise clause that correctly connects access to water with clans by using the possessive pronoun whose. 

S3. Ans.(b)
Sol. Idiom; Logical predication; Rhetorical construction
This sentence identifies yellow jackets as one of 900 types of social wasps and provides an explanation of the term social wasps. In this explanation, the society or population-not the individual wasps themselves – consists almost entirely of females. The three descriptors of social wasps (cooperative, organized, and consisting almost entirely of females) are not effectively expressed in parallel structures.
(b) Correct. The three descriptors of the wasp society are in parallel form, and consisting properly modifies society.

S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. Grammatical construction; Logical predication
This accumulation of phrases and clauses results in a sentence fragment; there is no main verb. This problem is easily solved by inserting the verb to be: El Nino … is a phenomenon … The clause defining phenomenon is clear (in which changes in the ocean and atmosphere combine), but the subsequent phrase, allowing … is not. If the participial phrase were to modify the previous clause, a comma would have to be inserted between combine and allowing. A better choice would be to follow combine with to allow, showing purpose. In this sense, the environmental changes combine (intransitive) in order to allow the water to flow back east.
(d) Correct. The addition of is completes the sentence; combine to allow shows the purpose of the changes.

S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. Logical predication; Rhetorical construction
This sentence awkwardly presents two phrases intended to modify Beatrix Potter and loses the clarity and logic of the meaning. In the original sentence, these modifiers sound choppy and create too much separation between the subject, Beatrix Potter, and the verb capitalized. Beginning the sentence with In her book illustrations and following that phrase with the relative clause which she carefully coordinated with her narratives allows the subject, Beatrix Potter, to be united with the verb, capitalized, for a stronger main clause.
(c) Correct. The correct placement of the modifying elements makes this sentence easier to understand; the use of which clearly links the two elements.

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. Rhetorical construction; Logical predication
The main point of this sentence is to explain that while Marconi felt the radio would substitute for the phone as an instrument of private communication, in fact it has become an instrument of mass communication. It is less wordy to use Marconi as the subject of the active verb conceived than to use the subject conception with the static verb was. The pronoun it positioned as the subject of the final verb has become refers back to radio. Versions of the sentence that use the relative pronoun which indicate that the telephone has become a mass medium.
(c) Correct. An active verb makes the first clause more concise; it in the second clause clearly refers to the radio.

S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. Rhetorical construction
The original sentence successfully avoids the problems that may occur in a long sentence with multiple modifiers. The sentence opens with the modifier originally developed for detecting air pollutants. This participial phrase is immediately followed by the word technique that it modifies; technique is in turn followed by the phrase called proton-induced X-ray emission. Finally, the nonrestrictive clause which … destroying it is correctly placed next to emission and set off from the rest of the sentence by a pair of commas.
(a) Correct. The modifiers are all correctly placed and punctuated; the meaning is clear.

S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Grammatical construction; Logical predication
The sentence compares authoritative parents to permissive parents in terms of the kinds of adolescent children they are likely to have. Versions of the sentence that compare parents to children are nonsensical. The three characteristics most likely exemplified by children of authoritative parents should be presented in parallel structure.
(a) Correct. The sentence effectively compares authoritative parents to permissive parents and expresses the characteristics of the children in parallel form.

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. Parallelism; Idiom
This correct sentence uses parallel structure to explain that supplicants were either asking … or thanking. The correlative pair either/or is correctly used since each element is followed by the same part of speech: either asking … or thanking. The pair of correlative conjunctions either … or always work together; either may only be followed by or. The noun aid is correctly followed by in healing rather than by the infinitive to heal.
(a) Correct. The original sentence uses parallel structure to make its point; the idioms are correctly used.

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Logical predication; agreement
A modifying phrase must be placed near the word it modifies. Here, the incorrect placement of the modifying phrase published in Harlem makes the phrase describe the owner and editor when it should describe The Messenger. The use of the singular owner and editor is puzzling: did one journalist own and the other edit? Or did they jointly own and edit? It is also unclear which of the two journalists is described in the clause beginning who.
(c) Correct. In this sentence, the modifier correctly describes The Messenger; the verbs indicate that both journalists played both roles; and the relative clause clearly shows Randolph, not Owen, as the owner of the reputation.

S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. Grammatical construction; Verb form
The main subject of the sentence is Construction, and it has two main verbs: began and was completed. These two verbs should be connected by the conjunction and to preserve their equal grammatical status. Both verbs should be in simple past tense.
(c) Correct. The two verbs of the main clause are in simple past tense and are joined with and.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. Grammatical construction
This sentence fails to convey its meaning because its construction is faulty. It begins with a subordinate clause, whose subject is a baby; the subject of the main clause, it appears to refer back to baby. However, reading the main clause reveals that it is intended to refer to the sense of vision the first time it is used and to the baby the second time. The whole sentence must be revised, and the relationship between the two parts of the sentence must be clarified.
(d) Correct. One independent clause describes a baby’s vision, the other an adult’s; the two independent but linked main clauses are correctly separated with a semicolon in this version of the sentence.

S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. Logical predication; Grammatical construction
In this sentence, the there are … that … construction contributes nothing more than unnecessary words. The sentence needs to make clear whether provisions or code is the subject of the main verb stimulated.
(b) Correct. In this sentence, the new maritime code is clearly the antecedent of it in the main clause and thus the subject of has already stimulated.

S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. Verb form; Parallelism
The members performed a sequence of two actions; first they made monthly payments … and then took turns drawing. The two actions must be expressed by the parallel past tense verbs made and took. The substitution of taking for took disrupts the parallelism and makes the sentence hard to understand.
(c) Correct. In this sentence, the second verb, took, is parallel to the first verb, made; the two verbs are correctly joined by and as compound verbs with the same subject, members.

S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. Grammatical construction
Gall’s hypothesis is contained in the clause that different mental functions are localized in different parts of the brain (noun + marker that + content clause). A series of phrases provides neither the same clarity nor grammatical correctness.
(c) Correct. This sentence uses a clause that identifies Gall’s hypothesis clearly and correctly.

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