Dear Aspirants, The NIACL Assist. mains exam is scheduled on 23 May 2017. In the English section, there will be total 40 questions. Questions might be asked from Reading Comprehension , Cloze test ,Phrase replacement and also new pattern questions as well. In this post, we will discuss questions related to 'Fill in the blanks'. These types of questions are based on the vocabulary and phrasal verbs. Students are advised to revise vocabulary and phrasal verbs. We have already provided Important Phrasal verbs for SBI PO and other bank exams as well.
Directions (1-15): In the following sentence correction questions, a part of the sentence or complete sentence has been highlighted in bold. Out of the given options, select grammatically correct option. The first option repeats the bold part. if there is no correction required, then select option A.
Q1. Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were relatively simple and static, Barbara McClintock adhered to her own more complicated ideas about how genes might operate, and in 1983, at the age of 81, was awarded a Nobel Prize for her discovery that the genes in corn are capable of moving from one chromosomal site to another.
(a) Unlike the conviction held by many of her colleagues that genes were
(b) Although many of her colleagues were of the conviction of genes being
(c) Contrary to many of her colleagues being convinced that genes were
(d) Even though many of her colleagues were convinced that genes were
(e) Even with many of her colleagues convinced of genes being
Q2. Galileo was convinced that natural phenomena, as manifestations of the laws of physics, would appear the same to someone on the deck of a ship moving smoothly and uniformly through the water as a person standing on land.
(a) water as a
(b) water as to a
(c) water; just as it would to a
(d) water, as it would to the
(e) water; just as to the
Q3. Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging, the manufacturer has announced that it will cut production by closing its factories for two days a month.
(a) Because an oversupply of computer chips has sent prices plunging,
(b) Because of plunging prices for computer chips, which is due to an oversupply,
(c) Because computer chip prices have been sent plunging, which resulted from an oversupply,
(d) Due to plunging computer chip prices from an oversupply,
(e) Due to an oversupply, with the result that computer chip prices have been sent plunging,
Q4. Beyond the immediate cash flow crisis that the museum faces, its survival depends on if it can broaden its membership and leave its cramped quarters for a site where it can store and exhibit its more than 12,000 artifacts.
(a) if it can broaden its membership and leave
(b) whether it can broaden its membership and leave
(c) whether or not it has the capability to broaden its membership and can leave
(d) its ability for broadening its membership and leaving
(e) the ability for it to broaden its membership and leave
Q5. Along with the drop in producer prices announced yesterday, the strong retail sales figures released today seem like it is indicative that the economy, although growing slowly, is not nearing a recession.
(a) like it is indicative that
(b) as if to indicate
(c) to indicate that
(d) indicative of
(e) like an indication of
Q6. Dressed as a man and using the name Robert Shurtleff, Deborah Sampson, the first woman to draw a soldier’s pension, joined the Continental Army in 1782 at the age of 22, was injured three times, and was discharged in 1783 because she had become too ill to serve
(a) 22, was injured three times, and was discharged in 1783 because she had become
(b) 22, was injured three times, while being discharged in 1783 because she had become
(c) 22 and was injured three times, and discharged in 1783 because she was
(d) 22, injured three times, and was discharged in 1783 because she was
(e) 22, having been injured three times and discharged in 1783, being
Q7. Although schistosomiasis is not often fatal, it is so debilitating that it has become an economic drain on many developing countries.
(a) it is so debilitating that it has become an economic
(b) it is of such debilitation, it has become an economical
(c) so debilitating is it as to become an economic
(d) such is its debilitation, it becomes an economical
(e) there is so much debilitation that it has become an economical
Q8. In 1850, Lucretia Mott published her Discourse on Women, arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights and for changes in the married women’s property laws.
(a) arguing in a treatise for women to have equal political and legal rights
(b) arguing in a treatise for equal political and legal rights for women
(c) a treatise that advocates women’s equal political and legal rights
(d) a treatise advocating women’s equal political and legal rights
(e) a treatise that argued for equal political and legal rights for women
Q9. In 1527 King Henry VIII sought to have his marriage to Queen Catherine annulled so as to marry Anne Boleyn.
(a) so as to marry
(b) and so could be married to
(c) to be married to
(d) so that he could marry
(e) in order that he would marry
Q10. Dr. Tonegawa won the Nobel Prize for discovering how the body can constantly change its genes to fashion a seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each specifically targeted at an invading microbe or foreign substance.
(a) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each specifically targeted at
(b) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically to
(c) seeming unlimited number of antibodies, all specifically targeted at
(d) seemingly unlimited number at antibodies, all of them targeted specifically to
(e) seemingly unlimited number of antibodies, each targeted specifically at
Q11. To develop more accurate population forecasts, demographers have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic determinants of fertility.
(a) have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic
(b) have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economical
(c) would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economical
(d) would have to know a great deal more than they do now about the social and economic
(e) would have to know a great deal more than now about the social and economic
Q12. Scientists have recently discovered what could be the largest and oldest living organism on Earth, a giant fungus that is an interwoven filigree of mushrooms and rootlike tentacles spawned by a single fertilized spore some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres in the soil of a Michigan forest.
(a) extending
(b) extends
(c) extended
(d) it extended
(e) is extending
Q13. Laos has a land area about the same as Great Britain but only four million in population, where many are members of hill tribes ensconced in the virtually inaccessible mountain valleys of the north.
(a) about the same as Great Britain but only four million in population, where many
(b) of about the same size as Great Britain is, but in Laos there is a population of only four million, and many
(c) that is about the same size as Great Britain’s land area, but in Laos with a population of only four million people, many of them.
(d) comparable to the size of Great Britain, but only four million in population, and many
(e) comparable to that of Great Britain but a population of only four million people, many of whom
Q14. The plot of The Bostonians centers on the rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with her charming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom, when they find themselves drawn to the same radiant young woman whose talent for public speaking has won her an ardent following.
(a) rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with her charming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom,
(b) rivals Olive Chancellor, an active feminist against her charming and cynical cousin, Basil Ransom,
(c) rivalry that develops between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, and Basil Ransom, her charming and cynical cousin,
(d) developing rivalry between Olive Chancellor, an active feminist, with Basil Ransom, her charming and cynical cousin
(e) active feminist, Olive Chancellor, and the rivalry with her charming and cynical cousin Basil Ransom,
Q15. Quasars, at billions of light-years from Earth the most distant observable objects in the universe, believed to be the cores of galaxies in an early stage of development.
(a) believed to be
(b) are believed to be
(c) some believe them to be
(d) some believe they are
(e) it is believed that they are
S1. Ans.(d)
Sol. The sentence compares a widely-held conviction about genes with McClintock’s adherence to her own ideas, then goes on to describe McClintock’s accomplishments. The sentence must not compare widespread convictions with McClintock herself. The clearest and most efficient way to make the comparison is to introduce McClintock’s colleagues, convictions in a dependent clause, followed by a main clause that introduces McClintock’s different way of doing things and goes on to explain how successful she was.
(d) Correct. A dependent clause describing the beliefs of McClintock’s colleagues is followed by the main clause presenting the contrasting beliefs of McClintock.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. The second part of this sentence is a comparison. The correct, parallel, and idiomatic structure makes the comparison clear. In this case, a phenomenon appears the same to x (someone) as to y (a person). The two parts of the comparison must be parallel.
(b) Correct. The sentence uses the correct idiom, and the two parts of the comparison are parallel.
S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. This sentence describes a causal sequence of events: The oversupply of chips caused prices to plunge, which in turn caused the manufacturer to announce factory closings to cut production. The clearest, most efficient way to express this sequence is to present the events in chronological order, as they occurred.
(a) Correct. Events are presented concisely, in chronological order.
S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. This sentence requires the correct use of an idiom: ‘Depends on’ should be followed by whether, not if, because this is an interrogative clause following a preposition.
(b) Correct. Depends on whether is the correct idiom to use in this sentence.
S5. Ans.(c)
Sol. In this sentence, the verb seem should be followed by an infinitive, to indicate; the relative pronoun that correctly introduces the clause, but it does not agree with sales figures.
(c) Correct. In this sentence, the verb seem is correctly followed by the infinitive to indicate, and the pronoun that correctly introduces a clause.
S6. Ans.(a)
Sol. This sentence introduces Deborah Sampson with a description of Sampson when the first enlisted, and goes on to describe her career in the Continental Army. The information about her historical significance interrupts the chronological flow of the sentence and must therefore be set off with commas. The sequence of events that marks her career must be presented as a parallel series of items.
(a) Correct. The phrase that describes Deborah Sampson as the first woman to draw a soldier’s pension intervenes between the subject and predicate of the main verb and thus is appropriately set off with commas; the three verbs in the main clause are in parallel form.
S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. This sentence correctly uses the idiomatic construction so x that y where y is a subordinate clause that explains or describes x: So debilitating that is has become… It clearly refers to schistosomiasis, which is correctly modified by the adjective debilitating.
(a) Correct. In this sentence, the pronoun reference is clear, and the so x that y construction is concise.
S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. Mott’s Discourse was a treatise, and it is redundant and confusing to present her as both publishing her Discourse and arguing in a treatise, as though they were two separate things. The verb arguing must be followed by a prepositional phrase beginning with for, but the verb advocating simply takes a direct object.
(e) Correct. The title of Mott’s publication is followed by a phrase describing the treatise, and argued is followed by for.
S9. Ans.(d)
Sol. The sentence should use the construction x happened so that y could happen; so introduces a clause of purpose, explaining the reason for the action in the main clause. Henry … sought to have his marriage … annulled so that he could marry Anne Boleyn. The relationship between the two clauses is clear.
(d) Correct. This sentence’s construction clearly shows the reason that Henry sought an annulment; could is more appropriate than would because the annulment would not ensure his marriage – it would only enable him to marry.
S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. Adjectives modify nouns and pronouns. Adverbs modify adjectives, verbs, and other adverbs. The adverb seemingly, not the adjective seeming, should be used to modify the adjective unlimited. The idiomatic form to be used here is targeted… at rather than targeted … to. Logic requires that each antibody is meant to deal individually with an invading microbe or foreign substance.
(e) Correct. This sentence correctly uses seemingly instead of seeming and each instead of all.
S11. Ans.(d)
Sol. This sentence explains a hypothetical situation and therefore calls for a conditional – or contrary-to-fact-construction, because in order to more accurately predict population, demographers would have to know more than they presently know. A present-tense verb is required to describe the current state of demographers’ knowledge, and the comparison made by the sentence must be between current and conditional knowledge, not between knowledge and time of knowing (now).
(d) Correct. Conditional knowledge, indicated by would have to know, is correctly compared to current knowledge.
S12. Ans.(a)
Sol. The original sentence is correctly written. The giant fungus is described as an interwoven filigree spawned … some 10,000 years ago and extending for more than 30 acres. The present participle extending parallels the past participle spawned.
(a) Correct. This sentence has the participles spawned and extending in a correct parallel construction. Spawned refers to something that happened in the past, while extending refers to something that continues into the present.
S13. Ans.(e)
Sol. The comparison in this sentence is between the land area of Laos and the land area of Great Britain, not between the land area of Laos and Great Britain. The phrase about the population of Laos is most clearly and efficiently expressed in an appositive using a relative pronoun to refer back to people rather than the more abstract population. Using this construction keeps the appropriate emphasis on the two main claims being made about Laos, one describing its land area and the other its sparse population.
(e) Correct. The land area of Laos is correctly compared to that of Great Britain; whom refers appropriately to people.
S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. Olive Chancellor and Basil Ransom are rivals. The situation can be expressed with the construction the rivalry between x and y or the construction the rivals x and y. The construction rivalry between … with is incorrect.
(c) Correct. This sentence uses the construction the rivalry between x and y correctly; it also clearly identifies both parties in the rivalry.
S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. The original sentence is not actually a sentence; it is a sentence fragment since it lacks a verb: ‘believed to be’ on its own is a participial phrase.
The verb are must be placed before believed to be to create a complete sentence.
(b) Correct. The verb are believed to be grammatically completes the sentence and connects quasars to cores.
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