Dear Aspirants, At Crackbankexam, we've launched our SSC CGL 2017 Campaign. In order to achieve success in the CGL-17 exam, we've decided to post ENGLISH QUIZ. Today in this post we have provided Misc. questions. Every Day, We'll post different topics, these quizzes will help you a lot in your complete preparation for the Exam. We're also providing Vocabulary for SSC exams.
Directions (1-10): A sentence/a part of the sentence is in bold. Four alternatives are given to the bold part which will improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative and click the button corresponding to it. In case no improvement is needed, click the button corresponding to “No improvement”.
Q1. In case of a natural calamity the shortage of essential things must be overcome in a short time.
(a) commodities
(b) consignments
(c) material
(d) No improvement
Q2. She decided to go there, though her husband cautioned her on it.
(a) against
(b) for
(c) about
(d) No improvement
Q3. I am very much interested in your story.
(a) have been very interested
(b) am much more interested
(c) am very interesting
(d) No improvement
Q4. He refused the charge brought against him.
(a) disagreed
(b) disowned
(c) denied
(d) No improvement
Q5. Working hard students always achieve good results.
(a) Energetic
(b) Industrious
(c) Talented
(d) No improvement
Q6. A chance remark by her friend transported her life.
(a) transgressed
(b) transposed
(c) transformed
(d) No improvement
Q7. Please switch of the fan.
(a) switch off
(b) switch in
(c) switch out
(d) No improvement
Q8. The employees are hell bent at getting what is due to them.
(a) hell bent on getting
(b) hell bent for getting
(c) hell bent about getting
(d) No improvement
Q9. The new book written by Vikram Seth has become very populous.
(a) populist
(b) popular
(c) populace
(d) No improvement
Q10. Where have you first met your husband?
(a) had you first met
(b) did you first met
(c) did you first meet
(d) No improvement
Directions (11-15): A passage is given with 5 questions following it. Read the passage carefully and choose the best answer to each question out of the four alternatives and click the button corresponding to it.
Namita is from the state of Kerala. She has come to Dubai to serve as a governess for the only child of the Nairs. The Nairs are nice and gentle and Namita has no cause to complain. One day she overhears something that makes her jittery. Mr. Nair is not employed in an American company as she has been told. The nature of his business is illegal. She is shocked and wants to go back to her home town to her own people.
Gopal is from a very poor family. His family owns a very small piece of land that can hardly meet their food requirement. One day, Gopal gets a nice offer to work in the Emirates with a construction contractor. In order to meet the expenses on travelling, the family decides to sell their own land and send Gopal to the foreign country, to make money. On arrival, the contractor confiscates Gopal's passport and gives him a small place to live in with ten others like him. Gopal has little idea what he must do.
Q11. Which word from the ones given below, best describes Namita's relationship with her employers in the beginning?
(a) Cordial
(b) Fraudulent
(c) Sympathetic
(d) Complaining
Q12. What does the phrase, 'makes her jittery' imply?
(a) Sadness
(b) Anger
(c) Trauma
(d) Anxiety
Q13. Namita and Gopal are in a similar situation, because they
(a) love their families
(b) are happy with their situations
(c) are from impoverished families
(d) are stranded in a foreign country
Q14. Namita's situation is better than that of Gopal, because she
(a) has a well behaved employer
(b) knows what she wants to do
(c) loves the new place and the child
(d) now knows about her employer
Q15. The conclusion that can be drawn from both situations is that people should
(a) stay in their own countries and villages
(b) feel contented and satisfied with their lot
(c) verify details before accepting any job
(d) not travel to these regions of the world
S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. commodity-a useful or valuable thing. Hence, ‘commodities’ is appropriate word in the given context.
S2. Ans.(a)
Sol. The word caution is used in the sentence, hence Preposition ‘against’ is correct. Write sentence as: She decided to go there, though her husband cautioned her against it.
S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The given sentence “I am very much interested in your story.” Is grammatically correct as it is. Hence, no improvement is required.
S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. deny-to state that (something declared or believed to be true) is not true.
S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. Industrious-diligent and hard-working. The given words ‘working hard’ is incorrect usage, industrious is better word that fits in the context of the sentence correctly.
S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. transform-make a marked change in the form, nature, or appearance of. Transformed is correct verb form of the word.
S7. Ans.(a)
Sol. switch off- [for something] to turn itself off. Hence it is correct phrasal verb.
S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. "hell bent on getting" preposition 'on' is correct in the phrase.
S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. populous-having a large population; densely populated. Hence ‘populous’ is incorrect in this context, but popular is correct word.
S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. "did you first meet" is correct phrase. It is a past tense event, hence the verb form should be in past tense.
S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. Cordial-warm and friendly. Hence, cordially is correct word.
S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. Anxiety-a feeling of worry, nervousness, or unease about something with an uncertain outcome.
hence, anxiety correctly express the meaning of the phrase 'makes her jittery'.
S13. Ans.(d)
Sol. According to the passage, Namita and Gopal are in a similar situation, because they are stranded in a foreign country.
S14. Ans.(b)
Sol. According to the passage, Namita's situation is better than that of Gopal, because she knows what she wants to do.
S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. According to the passage, the conclusion that can be drawn from both situations is that people should verify details before accepting any job.
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