Dear Aspirants, English Section is a topic quite dreaded by candidates taking the bank exams. Though the sheer number of concepts and rules may seem intimidating at first, with discipline and the right approach, it is not difficult to master these concepts and their application to questions. Through such quizzes, we will provide you all types of high-level questions to ace the Sentence Correction section of bank exams. In this quiz, you can practice Reading Comprehension and Fill in the blanks questions for RBI Grade B Exam 2017.
Directions (1-7): Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks. The blanks indicate that a piece of the sentence is missing. Each sentence is followed by five answer choices that consist of words or phrases. Select the answer choice that completes the sentence best.
Directions (1-7): Each of the following questions begins with a sentence that has either one or two blanks. The blanks indicate that a piece of the sentence is missing. Each sentence is followed by five answer choices that consist of words or phrases. Select the answer choice that completes the sentence best.
Q1. Her concern for the earthquake victims __________ her reputation as a callous person.
(a) restored
(b) rescinded
(c) created
(d) proved
(e) belied
Q2. Due to unforeseen circumstances, the original plans were no longer __________ and were therefore __________.
(a) relevant…adaptable
(b) applicable…rejected
(c) expedient…adopted
(d) acceptable…appraised
(e) capable…allayed
Q3. The microscopic cross section of a sandstone generally shows a __________ surface, each tiny layer representing an __________ of deposition that may have taken centuries or even millennia to accumulate.
(a) ridged…enlargement
(b) multifaceted…angle
(c) distinctive…area
(d) stratified…interval
(e) coarse…episode
Q4. The convict has always insisted upon his own __________ and now at last there is new evidence to __________ him.
(a) defensiveness…incarcerate
(b) culpability…exonerate
(c) blamelessness…anathematize
(d) innocence…vindicate
(e) contrition…condemn
Q5. The theory of plate tectonics was the subject of much __________ when it was first proposed by Alfred Wegener, but now most geophysicists __________ its validity.
(a) opposition…grant
(b) consideration…see
(c) acclamation…boost
(d) prognostication…learn
(e) contention…bar
Q6. Despite her professed__________, the glint in her eyes demonstrated her __________ with the topic.
(a) intelligence…obsession
(b) interest…concern
(c) obliviousness…confusion
(d) indifference…fascination
(e) expertise…unfamiliarity
Q7. Lacking sacred scriptures or __________, Shinto is more properly regarded as a legacy of traditional religious practices and basic values than as a formal system of belief.
(a) followers
(b) customs
(c) dogma
(d) relics
(e) faith
Directions (8-15): After reading passage you will find a series of questions. Select the best choice for each question. Answers are based on the contents of the passage or what the author implies in the passage.
There can be nothing simpler than an elementary particle: it is an indivisible shard of matter, without internal structure and without detectable shape or size. One might expect commensurate simplicity in the theories that describe such particles and the forces through which they interact; at the least, one might expect the structure of the world to be explained with a minimum number of particles and forces. Judged by this criterion of parsimony, a description of nature that has evolved in the past several years can be accounted a reasonable success. Matter is built out of just two classes of elementary particles: the leptons, such as the electron, and the quarks, which are constituents of the proton, the neutron, and many related particles. Four basic forces act between the elementary particles. Gravitation and electromagnetism have long been familiar in the macroscopic world; the weak force and the strong force are observed only in sub nuclear events. In principle this complement of particles and forces could account for the entire observed hierarchy of material structure, from the nuclei of atoms to stars and galaxies. An understanding of nature at this level of detail is a remarkable achievement; nevertheless, it is possible to imagine what a still simpler theory might be like. The existence of two disparate classes of elementary particles is not fully satisfying; ideally, one class would suffice. Similarly, the existence of four forces seems a needless complication; one force might explain all the interactions of elementary particles. An ambitious new theory now promises at least a partial unification along these lines. The theory does not embrace gravitation, which is by far the feeblest of the forces and may be fundamentally different form the others. If gravitation is excluded, however, the theory unifies all elementary particles and forces. The first step in the construction of the unified theory was the demonstration that the weak, the strong, and the electromagnetic forces could all described by theories of the same general kind. The three forces remained distinct, but they could be seen to operate through the same mechanism. In the course of this development a deep connection was discovered between the weak force and electromagnetism, a connection that hinted at a still grander synthesis. The new theory is the leading candidate for accomplishing the synthesis. It incorporates the leptons and the quarks into a single family and provides a means of transforming one kind of particle into the other. At the same time the weak, the strong, and the electromagnetic forces are understood as aspects of a single underlying force. With only one class of particles and one force (plus gravitation), the unified theory is a model of frugality.
Q8. All of the following are differences between the two theories described by the author EXCEPT
(a) the second theory is simpler than the first
(b) the first theory encompasses gravitation while the second does not
(c) the second theory includes only one class of elementary particles
(d) the first theory accounts for only part of the hierarchy of material structure
(e) the second theory unifies that the first theory regards as distinct
Q9. The primary purpose of the passage is to
(a) correct a misconception in a currently accepted theory of the nature of matter
(b) describe efforts to arrive at a simplified theory of elementary particles and forces
(c) predict the success of a new effort to unify gravitation with other basic forces
(d) explain why scientists prefer simpler explanations over more complex ones
(e) summarize what is known about the basic components of matter
Q10. According to the passage, which of the following are true of quarks?
I. They are the elementary building block for neutrons.
II. Scientists have described them as having no internal structure.
III. Some scientists group them with leptons in a single class of particles.
(a) I only
(b) III only
(c) I and II only
(d) II and III only
(e) I, II and III
Q11. The author considers which of the following in judging the usefulness of a theory of elementary particles and forces?
I. The simplicity of the theory
II. The ability of the theory to account for the largest possible number of known phenomena
III. The possibility of proving or disproving the theory by experiment
(a) I only
(b) II only
(c) I and II only
(d) I and III only
(e) II and III only
Q12. It can be inferred that the author considers the failure to unify gravitation with other forces in the theory he describes to be
(a) a disqualifying defect
(b) an unjustified deviation
(c) a needless oversimplification
(d) an unfortunate oversight
(e) an unavoidable limitation
Q13. The author organizes the passage by
(a) enumerating distinctions among several different kinds of elementary particles
(b) stating a criterion for judging theories of nature, and using it to evaluate two theories
(c) explaining three methods of grouping particles and forces
(d) criticizing an inaccurate view of elemental nature and proposing an alternative approach
(e) outlining an assumption about scientific verification, then criticizing the assumption
Q14. It can be inferred that the author would be likely to consider a new theory of nature superior to present theories if it were to
(a) account for a larger number of macroscopic structures than present theories
(b) reduce the four basic forces to two more fundamental, incompatible forces
(c) propose a smaller number of fundamental particles and forces than current theories
(d) successfully account for the observable behavior of bodies due to gravity
(e) hypothesize that protons but not neutrons are formed by combinations of more fundamental particles
Q15. What is the meaning of the word “parsimony “as implied in the passage?
(a) meditate regularly
(b) splurge in shopping
(c) not willing to spend easily
(d) musical chords
(e) none of these
S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. Callous means unfeeling, uncaring, but if this person has concern for the earthquake victims, her reputation must be an unfounded one, so the correct choice will mean contradicted or proved false. This is one of the meanings of belied, correct choice (E). Choice (B), rescinded, is the second-best answer. It means revoked or withdrawn, but you don’t say that a reputation is rescinded. Choices (A), (C), and (D) are the opposite of what we’re looking for—they don’t make sense in this context.
S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. No longer and therefore show strong contrast—something is done with the original plans because they are no longer something else. Choice (B) expresses this contrast, applicable ... rejected, and if we plug in these words, the plans could no longer be applied so they were tossed aside. In (A), there’s no contrast between something being relevant, or pertinent, and its being adaptable, capable of being changed to fit a new situation. In (C), expedient means convenient—it makes no sense for something not expedient to be adopted or taken up. In (D), appraised means judged or rated, which doesn’t follow from no longer being acceptable. In (E) it doesn’t make sense to say that the plans were no longer capable or that the plans were allayed, or minimized—again, (B) is the best choice.
S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The second half of the sentence is about each tiny layer of the surface of the cross-section of the sandstone. This must explain what the first part alludes to, so the first blank must mean layered—otherwise, what tiny layers is the author talking about? On this basis, (D) is the best answer since stratified means layered. In (A), a ridge isn’t really a layer. In (B), a facet is a face or flat surface, so multifaceted can’t be right. Distinctive, in (C) means distinguishing or individual. And coarse in (E) means rough. Looking at the second blank, enlargement, in (A), has nothing to do with the formation of the stone. In (B), if the phrase angle of deposition means anything at all, it’s an obscure geological term and can’t be what we want here. The remaining choices could refer to the time or place in which material is deposited. Since (D) has the best answer for the first blank and a possible answer for the second blank, it’s correct.
S4. Ans.(d)
Sol. The phrase and now suggests that the second part of the sentence will say something consistent with the first part. Whatever the convict has always insisted upon, the new evidence must support his claim. Choice (D) gets this connection right—innocence...vindicate. To vindicate means to clear from an accusation, to prove innocent. The convict has always insisted upon his own innocence and now at last there is new evidence to vindicate him—this makes perfect sense and it’s the answer. In (A), defensiveness means a tendency to defend oneself and incarcerate means to put in prison. In (B), culpability is guilt, as in the word culprit, and exonerate means to clear from guilt. In (C), to anathematize someone means to curse him or pronounce a strong sentence against him but that doesn’t go with blamelessness. In (E) contrition is a sense of remorse, while to condemn someone means to pass judgment against him. This is probably second best, but it doesn’t follow as logically as (D), so (D) is correct.
S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. The word ‘but’ signals a contrast between the opinion of plate tectonics when the theory was first proposed, and the opinion of it now—either people disbelieved the theory at first and believe it now or vice versa. Choice (A), opposition...grant provides the contrast. If most geophysicists now grant its validity, they believe in it. That’s the opposite of opposing it, so (A) is the answer. In (B), consideration is a neutral term—people are thinking about the theory, but it doesn’t provide the necessary contrasts with see, which implies that physicists now recognize the validity of the theory. In (C), acclamation means loud praise and boost means to support enthusiastically—no contrast there. In (D), a prognostication is a prediction of the future, which doesn’t make sense in this context and learn its validity doesn’t make sense either, so (D) isn’t a good choice. In (E), contention is argument and to bar means to exclude or forbid—there is no contrast with this pair. Again, (A) is the correct answer.
S6. Ans.(d)
Sol. Despite clues you in to a contrast between something professed, claimed or pretended, and reality, indicated by the glint in her eyes. A glint in someone’s eye is a sign of strong interest, so obsession and fascination, in (A) and (D) are tempting. We want a contrast with strong interest, so the first word is something like disinterest. We find indifference in (D) and obliviousness in (C). Since both words in (D) fit, it must be correct. None of the others offers the kind of contrasts we need. There’s no contrast between intelligence and obsession, in (A), between interest and concern in (B), or between obliviousness and confusion in (C). We get a contrast in (E) between expertise and unfamiliarity, but the words don’t make sense—a glint in someone’s eye isn’t a sign of unfamiliarity.
S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. We’re looking for something that goes with sacred scriptures and implies a formal system of belief, but something whose absence doesn’t rule out a legacy of traditional religious practices and basic values. We can eliminate choices (A), (B), and (E) because if Shinto lacked followers, customs, or faith it wouldn’t be a legacy of traditional religious practices and basic values. Relics, (D), are sacred objects but relics don’t make something a formal system of beliefs. The best choice is (C)—a dogma is a formal religious belief.
S8. Ans.(d)
Sol. We need either a choice that describes the similarity between the theories, or one that falsifies information about them. Choice (D) should raise your suspicions. The author acknowledged at the end of the first paragraph that the first theory could account for the entire observed hierarchy of material structure. Choice (D) is right.
S9. Ans.(b)
Sol. This question asks for the primary purpose, and we know that the author is concerned with theories that describe, simply and precisely, particles and their forces. The author’s primary purpose is to describe attempts to develop a simplified theory of nature. Skimming through the choices, (B) looks good.
S10. Ans.(e)
Sol. This question is a scattered detail question concerning quarks. In the first paragraph we’re told that quarks are constituents of the proton and the neutron. It’s reasonable, then, to say that quarks are the elementary building blocks of protons and neutrons, Statement I. Since Statement I is correct, we can eliminate choices which exclude it, (B) and (D). The remaining choices are either I only, I and II only, or I, II, and III. You could skip II and go to III. If you’re sure III is right, you can assume that II is also and pick (E). It turns out that III can be easily checked at the end of paragraph three, where the author states that a new theory incorporates the leptons and quarks into a single family or class, so Statement III is correct. For a complete list, let’s look at Statement II. In the very first sentence the author tells us that elementary particles don’t have an internal structure and since quarks are elementary particles, Statement II is indeed correct, and (E) is our answer.
S11. Ans.(c)
Sol. It should be clear that the author has some very definite criteria for judging the usefulness or worth of various theories of nature. As for Statement I, simplicity should leap off the page at you—it’s what this passage is all about. We can eliminate (B) and (E). The author also takes the theory’s completeness into consideration. He commends the first theory he describes because it accounts for the entire observed hierarchy of material structure and therefore Statement II is correct. We know that (C) must be correct because there is no I, II, and III choice. But let’s look at III anyway. Does the author ever mention proving either of those two theories he describes? Proof is of no concern to him—there’s no mention in the passage of any experiments, or of wanting to find experimental proof. So III is out and (C) it is.
S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. We’ve mentioned that the second theory doesn’t include gravitation in its attempt to unify the four basic forces. We need the author’s opinion about this omission. The author introduces the theory in the second paragraph, describing it as an ambitious theory that promises at least a partial unification of elementary particles and forces. The failure to include gravitation and achieve complete unification doesn’t dampen the author’s enthusiasm and he seems to suggest that gravitation’s omission can’t be helped, at least at this stage. So, although the omission is a limitation—it prevents total unification—it is also unavoidable. It looks like (E) does the trick.
S13. Ans.(b)
Sol. The passage begins with the author’s discussion of the simplicity of elementary particles and the theories which describe them. In the third sentence, the author sets forth simplicity as a standard for judging theories of nature. In the rest of the passage, the author measures two specific theories against this standard. Choice (B) summarizes this setup nicely and it’s our answer.
S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. This question shouldn’t be difficult. It asks us to put ourselves in the author’s shoes and figure out what sort of theory he would find superior to present theories. We already know—a simpler theory. The author’s criteria for judging a theory are its simplicity and its ability to account for the largest possible number of known phenomena. Which choice represents a theory with one or both of these characteristics? Choice (A) misrepresents the two theories described in the passage. The author says that the first theory could account for the entire observed hierarchy of material structure. The second does also, even though gravitation must be thrown in as a separate force. A theory that could account for a larger number of structures isn’t what’s needed. As for (B), why would the author approve of a theory that reduces the four basic forces to two which are incompatible? Choice (C) is on the right track.
S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. parsimony-extreme unwillingness to spend money or use resources. Other options are irrelevant in meaning. Hence C is correct answer choice.
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