Monday, 13 November 2017

Directions (1-15): In each of the following questions a capitalized pair of words is given, followed by five numbered pairs of words. Four of the numbered pairs exhibit the same relationship between the words as the capitalized pair of words. Identify the numbered pair which does not exhibit the same relationship as the capitalized pair.

(a) heart : cardiologist
(b) nerves : neurologist
(c) tumours : oncologist
(d) blood : haematologist
(e) eyes : gynaecologist

(a) lights : diwali
(b) kites : pongal
(c) rakhi : baisakhi
(d) carols : Christmas
(e) colours : Holi

(a) hard word : success
(b) exam : result
(c) design : plain
(d) thirst : drink
(e) hunger : eat

(a) sumptuous : lavish
(b) indigent : wealthy
(c) niggardly : miserly
(d) puerile : juvenile
(e) penury : poverty

(a) teacher : school
(b) peon : office
(c) student : theatre
(d) reader : university
(e) actor : movies

(a) aurist : ear
(b) trichologist : hair
(c) cardiologist : lungs
(d) dermatologist : skin
(e) optician : eye

(a) laud : criticize
(b) digest : divest
(c) conciseness : lengthiness
(d) aversion : affection
(e) like : dislike

(a) bounteous : abundant
(b) mellifluous : melodious
(c) lucid : clear
(d) tranquil : placid
(e) docile : obstinate

(a) patriot : rebelliousness
(b) philanthropist : benevolence
(c) altruist : selflessness
(d) miser : parsimony
(e) democrat : discussion

(a) ornithology : birds
(b) ichthyology : fish
(c) zoology : animals
(d) philology : politics
(e) psychology : behaviour

(a) bat : insect
(b) tulip : flower
(c) dodo : bird
(d) whale : mammal
(e) snake : reptile

(a) deer : fawn
(b) horse : foal
(c) cow : calf
(d) goose : gosling
(e) goat : nanny

(a) nest : bird
(b) monastery : monk
(c) jail : accused 
(d) nunnery : nun
(e) bee : hive

(a) actor : entertain
(b) soldier : defend
(c) moralist : preach
(d) judge : govern
(e) ruler : rule

(a) hinder : assist
(b) commodious : congested
(c) ambiguous : explicit
(d) digress : deviate
(e) radiant : brilliance

S1. Ans.(e)
Sol. A doctor for children is paediatric, for heart is cardiologist, for blood haematologist and for tumours oncologist and for nerves neurologist.
Choice (E) (a gynaecologist doesn’t treat the eye)

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Colors are a part of rangoli and holi, lights of Diwali, kites of Pongal and carols of Christmas.
Choice (C) (Rakhi is not a part of Baisakhi)

S3. Ans.(c)
Sol. In order to eat we must cook, in order to succeed work hard, to get result take an exam, to drink be thirsty and hungry to eat.

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. The words in each pair are closely connected – parsimonious is stingy, sumptuous is lavish, niggardly is miserly, puerile is juvenile. Indigent and wealthy are opposites.

S5 Ans.(c)
Sol. A lecturer works in a college just as a teacher works in a school, a peon in an office, a reader in a university and an actor in movies.
Choice (C) (a student does not work at a theatre)

S6. Ans.(c)
Sol. A cardiologist treats heart ailments hence choice (C) is wrong.

S7. Ans.(b)
Sol. The relationship between the capitalized pair of words is antonymous. Choice (B) does not denote this relationship.

S8. Ans.(e)
Sol. The relationship between the capitalized pair of words is synonymous. Choice (E) represents an antonymous relationship.

S9. Ans.(a)
Sol. Dictator symbolizes tyranny. Choice (A) is different because patriot does not symbolize rebelliousness.

S10. Ans.(d)
Sol. All the other pairs of choices represent the study of living beings. Only choice (D) is different.

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. Choice (A) is different because bat is not an insect. It is a mammal.

S12. Ans.(e)
Sol. The young one of a goat is a lamb not nanny. Hence, choice (E) is different.

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. Jail is not a dwelling place for the accused, hence choice (C) is different.

S14. Ans.(d)
Sol. The duty of a teacher is to instruct while the duty of a judge is to dispense justice not govern unlike it is represented in choice (d).

S15. Ans.(d)
Sol. The relationship between the capitalized pair of words is antonymous. Choice (D) does not denote an antonymous relationship.

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