Sunday, 5 November 2017

Directions (1-5): In the given questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the given three conclusions numbered I, II and III is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

Q1. Statements: Q≤P=T,M≥P,D>M=K
    Conclusions: I.D>P  II.T≤K  III.K>Q

(a) Only I is true  
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only III is true  
(d) Only I and II are true
(e) None of the above

Q2. Statements: E<X≥B>C,E≥N≥W
    Conclusions: I.N>B  II.X>W  III.E≥C

(a) Only II is true  
(b) Only I is true
(c) Only II and III are true 
(d) Only I and III are true
(e) None of these

Q3. Statements: E>R=T≥Q,P≤N>C=Q
    Conclusions: I.N≥T  II.R≥P  III.E>C

(a) Only III is true  
(b) Only II and III are true
(c) Only I and II are true  
(d) Only II is true
(e) None of the above

Q4. Statements: K=L≤M>T,W>H>Y=T
    Conclusions: I.K>Y  II.L<H  III.W>M

(a) Only II is true  
(b) All I, II, and III are true 
(c) None is true 
(d) Only I and III are true
(e) Only I is true

Q5. Statements: S≤U<R=G,S≥P≥N=V
    Conclusions: I.G>V  II.N≤U  III.R>P

(a) Only I and II are true 
(b) Only I and III are true
(c) Only II is true 
(d) All I, II and III are true
(e) None of the above

Q6. Which of the following groups of symbols should be placed in the blank space of the given expression to make D≥Wdefinitely false?
P _ W _ E _ B _ D

(b) ≤,=,=,≤
(c) >,=,≤,≤
(d) >,≥,=,>
(e) None of the above

Q7. Which of the following groups of symbols should be placed in the blank spaces of the given expression so that R>Q is definitely true?
R _ N _ T _ Q _ S

(b) =,≥,≥,=
(c) ≤,<,=,≤
(d) ≥,=,>,≤
(e) None of the above

Directions (8-11): In the given questions, assuming the given statements to be true, find which of the given four conclusions numbered, I, II, III and IV is/are definitely true and give your answer accordingly.

Q8. Statements: D≥W,P>Q,W<T=R,Q=V<D
    Conclusions: I.P>D  II.P>V  III.D≥R IV.T>V

(a) Only I is true  
(b) Only II is true 
(c) Only II and IV are true 
(d) Only I and III are true 
(e) None of the above

Q9. Statements: U=E>N,Y≤Z<C,U>Y=S
    Conclusions: I.Z≥S  II.Y>N  III.E>S IV.U≥Z

(a) Only I and III are true   
(b) Only II and IV are true 
(c) Only I, II and III are true 
(d) All I, II, III and IV are true
(e) None of the above

Q10. Statements: B>E≥M,W>K≥B,L=H<W
     Conclusions: I.B≥L  II.K>M  III.W>E IV.L≥K

(a)Only III and IV are true 
(b) Only I, II and IV are true
(c) Only II and III are true   
(d) Only II is true
(e) None of the above

Q11. Statements: G≥P>A,N=A<C,T≥L>G
     Conclusions: I.T>P  II.G>N  III.C≥L IV. T>A

(a)Only I and III are true    
(b) Only II and IV are true
(c) Only II and III are true   
(d) Only I, II and IV are true
(e) None of the above

Directions (12-16):In these questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements. Conclusions follow the statements. Study the conclusions based on the given statements and select the appropriate answer.

Q12. Statements:  M>A≥B=Q≤P<J≤Y;Z≥A>X
     Conclusions: I.B<Y  II.X≥J

(a) Both conclusions I and II are true   
(b) Either conclusion I or II is true
(c) Only conclusion I is true
(d) Neither conclusion I norII is true
(e) Only conclusion II is true

Q13. Statements: M>A≥B=Q≤P<J≤Y;Z≥A>X
     Conclusions: I.Z=Q  II.Z>Q

(a) Both conclusions I and II are true   
(b) Only conclusion II is true
(c) Neither conclusion I norII is true
(d) Either conclusion I orII is true
(e) Only conclusion I is true

Q14. Statements: G<R=A≤S;T<R
     Conclusions: I.G<S  II.S>T

(a) Both conclusions I and II are true   
(b) Either conclusion I or II is true
(c) Neither conclusion I norII is true
(d) Only conclusion I is true
(e) Only conclusion II is true

Q15. Statements: P=U<M<K≤I>N;D≥P;I≥C
     Conclusions: I.M<C  II.N>U

(a) Only conclusions IIis true   
(b) Either conclusion I or II is true
(c) Both conclusion I and II are true
(d) Neither conclusion I nor II is true
(e) Only conclusion I is true

Directions(16-20): These questions are based on the following information.

A + B means A is neither less than nor greater than B.
A – B means A is neither less than nor equal to B.
A × B means A is neither greater than nor equal to B.
A ÷ B means A is not less than B.
A = B means A is not greater than B.

16. Statements: P = Q, L + Q, Q ÷ W, W × R
    Conclusions: I. P ÷ W II. P – L III. Q = L

(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Only IV follows
(d) Only I and II follow
(e) None follows

17. Statements: E × F, G ÷ F, H = E, G + R
Conclusions: I. H = F II. G + H III. G + R

(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Only III follows
(d) Only II and III follow
(e) None follows

18. Statements :I ÷ J, J ÷ K, K + L, M – I
    Conclusions: I. I – L II. I + L III. M – K

(a) Only II follows
(b) Either I or II follows
(c) Either I or II and III follow
(d) Only III follows
(e) All follow

19. Statements: A × E, I = E, O + A, I = U
    Conclusions: I. O – I II. O × E III. A ÷ U

(a) Only I follows
(b) Only II follows
(c) Either I or II follows
(d) Only III follows
(e) Only I and III follow

20. Statements:D – B, D × C, D = F, B + E
      Conclusions: I. F – B II. C – B III. B + C

(a) Only II follows
(b) Only I and II follow
(c) Only II and III follow
(d) Only I and III follow
(e) All follow

P © Q means P is not smaller than Q
P % Q means P is not greater than Q
P # Q means P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q
P @ Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q
P $ Q means P is neither greater than nor equal to Q

21. Statements F % T, T @ J, J # W.
      Conclusions1) J @ F. 2) J # F.

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

22. Statements –R # D, D © K, K $ M.
      Conclusions –1) M # R. 2) K $ R.

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

23. Statements – Z © F, F $ M, M % K
      Conclusions – 1) K # F. 2) Z # M.

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

24. Statement – H @ B, B © R, A $ R
      Conclusion – 1) B © A 2) R % H.

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

Directions (25-30)-
P @Q means P is either greater than or equal to Q
P+ Q means P is either smaller than or equal to Q
P%Q means P is greater than Q
PX Q means P is smaller than Q
P$ Q means P is neither greater than nor smaller than Q

25. Statements : M @R , R%T , T$ K
      Conclusion : I) KXM, II) TXM

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

26. Statements : H%J, B+J, B@F
      Conclusion: I)F$J, II) J%F

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

27. Statements : D$M, M%W, W@R
      Conclusion : I) RXD, II) W+D

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

28. Statements : A+N , NXV, V$J
      Conclusion: I) J@N, II) A +V

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

29. Statements : KXT , T@B , B+M
      Conclusion : I)M%T II) K+B

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true
e) If both I and II is true

30. Statements : B@H, HXM , M$N
      Conclusion : I) B@N, II) N%H

a) If only conclusion I is true
b) If only conclusion II is true
c) If either I or II is true
d) If neither I or II is true

e) If both I and II is true

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