Monday, 27 November 2017

RBI‘s recruitment of Assistant is the much-anticipated opportunity for every banking aspirant and with the Preliminary exam, you are now a step closer to achieve your goal. Today's (27th November'17) RBI Assistant Pre exam 3rd shift is over now, and it is the time for its Exam Analysis. All those aspirants who are yet to appear for RBI Assistant Prelims Exam can benefit from this exam analysis as here we provide you with an insight on the types and levels of questions being asked in this year's RBI Assistant Pre exam. The level of this shift's examination was Very Easy. You can expect this year's cut off to be high in comparison to last year's RBI Assistant Pre-cut off. In the 03rd shift, some changes were introduced in Reasoning Ability and English Language Section.
RBI Assitant Prelims Analysis: Overall  

The preliminary exam for RBI Assistant was conducted online and had 100 questions for 60 minutes. Candidates have to manage those 60 minutes themselves while dealing with three sections- Reasoning Ability (35 Ques), Numerical Ability (35 Ques), and English Language (30 Ques). 

SubjectGood AttemptTime (in min.)
English Language18-2015
Reasoning Ability28- 3020
Numerical Ability23-2525

English Language (Easy-Moderate )

The level of English Language was Easy-Moderate. The topic of reading comprehension was based on a story. There were 4 questions of Antonyms and synonym with the passage.
TopicNo. of QuestionLevel
Reading Comprehension12Moderate
Single Filler5Easy
Error Detection10Easy-Moderate
Sentence Improvement3Moderate

Numerical Ability (Easy-Moderate)

The level of Numerical Ability section was Easy-Moderate. The number of questions from arithmetic (word problems) was significantly high as 15 out of 35 questions were from the arithmetic portion There was only 1 set of DI:
  • Tabular 

TopicsNo. of QuestionLevel
Tabular DI5Easy-Moderate
Number Series (Missing)5Easy
Profit & Loss2Easy
Compound Interest1Moderate
Problem on Ages1Moderate
Ratio and Proportion1Moderate
Time and Work1Moderate
Boat and Stream1Moderate

Reasoning Ability (Very Easy)

There were 3 puzzles and Seating Arrangement which are given below:-
  • Linear (7 person, Facing North) - 1 Variable
  • Month Based - 1 Variable
  • Circular (8 person facing inward)- 1 variable
      TopicsNo. of QuestionsLevel
      Direction Sense 3Easy
      Puzzles and Seating Arrangement15Easy-Moderate
      Number Series5Easy
      Alphabet Series5Very Easy
      Miscellaneous1Very Easy
      Total35Very Easy

      All the best for next shift !!

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      1 comment:

      1. This is another great platform for banking spirants to reach their goals, the question subdivisions are fair for the candidates suitable to bring out the best.


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