Friday, 16 December 2016

RBI Assistant Prelims 2016-17 (Important Questions-8)

1. A boy multiplied a number by 3/5 instead of 5/3, what is the percentage error in the calculation ?

A. 65%
B. 64%
C. 60%
D. 68%
E. None of these

Sol. Lets assume the number be 'x'.
Difference in result = 5x/3 - 3x/5

Percentage error = [(5x/3 - 3x/5)/(5x/3)]*100 = 64%.

2. The average weights of 3 groups of friends of 50, 30 and 20 members respectively are 50kg, 52kg and 55kg. What is the average weight of all friends taken together ?

A. 51
B. 51.6
C. 52.6
D. 55.3
E. None of these

Sol. = [(50*50)+(30*52)+(20*55)]/100
= 51.6 kg.

3. Present ages of father and the son are in the ratio of 6:! respectively. 4 yrs hence the ratio of their ages will become 4:! respectively, what is the son's present age ?

A. 6
B. 8
C. 9
D. 4
E. None of these

Sol. Son's age = x
     Father's age = 6x

According to the question, (6x+4)/(x+4) = 4/1
Solving, x = 6 years.

4. P is twice as good a workman as Q and Q is twice as good a workman as R. If P and Q can together finish a piece of work in 4 days, then R can do it by himself in ?

A. 20
B. 24
C. 28
D. 32
E. None of these

Sol. R completes the work in 'y' days
     Q completes the work in 'y/2' days
     P completes the work in 'y/4' days

In 1 day P and Q working together, 
= 4/y + 2/y 
= 6/y
Thus, complete the work in 'y/6' days.
y/6 = 4
y = 24 days.

5. A boy has 6 friends to invite . In how many ways can he send the invitation cards to them, if he has three servants to carry the cards ?

A. 216
B. 729
C. 243
D. 256
E. None of these

Sol. Number of ways = 3^6 = 729 ways.

Directions(6-10): What approximate value should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following questions ?

6. 25.675% of 1321 + 64.328% of 4001= ___?__

A. 2912
B. 3016
C. 3126
D. 3254
E. 3348

Sol. A. 2912

7. 11.001 × ? × 25.875 = 678543

A. 2380
B. 2381
C. 2382
D. 2383
E. None of these

Sol. D : 2383
    ? =678543 / (11.001 ×25.875)
    ? = 678543 / 284.7
    ? = 2383

8. 118.07 × 13.49 + 169.8% of 784 = ?

A. 2870
B. 2760
C. 2930
D. 2650
E. 2860

Sol. C: 2930
    ? nearly equals to 118 × 13.5 + (170 * 785)/100
    = 1593 + 1334.5 = 2927.5 nearly equals to 2930

9. 49.80 % of 750.08 ÷ 11.02 = 56.09 –  ?

E.None of these

Sol. C : 22
     50% of 750÷11 = 56 – x
     375/11 = 56 – x
     34.09 = 56 – x
     X = 56 – 34.09 = 21.91 = 22

10. 17.38% of 1557 – 21.012 × 8.97 = ?

A. 100
B. 175
C. 95
D. 80
E. 150

Sol. D : 80
    ? nearly equals to (17.4*1550)/100 - 21/9

    = 269.7 - 189 = 80.7 nearly equals to 80. 
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