Sunday, 29 January 2017

Directions (1-15): In this section a number of sentences are given. The sentences are given in different parts. Red each sentence to find out whether there is an error in any part. No sentence has more than one error. When you find an error in any of the parts indicate your response.

Q1. Modern man must pull himself off together and act his part in life as God’s own most favorite creature.
(a) Modern man must pull himself off together 
(b) and act his part in life  
(c) as God’s own most favorite creature  
(d) No error    

Q2. There would be fewer follies, and happiness and good feeling all round if we applied the scientific attitude for all our affairs.
(a) There would be fewer follies,
(b) and happiness and good feeling all round  
(c) if we applied the scientific attitude for all our affairs
(d) No error   

Q3. Meera told to the teacher that she couldn’t come for the rehearsal the next day.
(a) Meera told to the teacher  
(b) that she couldn’t come for the rehearsal  
(c) the next day
(d) No error   

Q4. I am told that Anjali has been suffering from fever since ten days.
(a) I am told that Anjali has been
(b) suffering from fever
(c) since ten days  
(d) No error   

Q5. The armed forces have been working around the clock to bring a semblance of normality in the flood-affected areas.
(a) The armed forces have been working around the clock  
(b) to bring a semblance of normality  
(c) in the flood-affected areas
(d) No error   

Q6. Just when Alfred Nobel’s discoveries were beginning to bring him rewards, which were to make him one of the richest man of his day, an anti-Nobel campaign was started in France.
(a) Just when Alfred Nobel’s discoveries were beginning to bring him rewards,
(b) which were to make him one of the richest man of his day,   
(c) an anti-Nobel campaign was started in France
(d) No error   

Q7. The teacher was happy when he entered the class which comprised of a hundred students.
(a) The teacher was happy   
(b) when he entered the class
(c) which comprised of a hundred students
(d) No error   

Q8. In china, scholars have discovered a language that women involved among themselves with a script that was less complex than the official Chinese language.
(a) In china, scholars have discovered a language
(b) that women involved among themselves  
(c) with a script that was less complex than the official Chinese language
(d) No error   

Q9. In most of the States, forty per cent of people under thirty years is undernourished.
(a) In most of the States,   
(b) forty per cent of people under thirty years
(c) is undernourished
(d) No error   

Q10. Yet, firms and other concerns are spending large sums of money all time, and somehow we take this for granted and never stop to wonder where it comes from.
(a) Yet, firms and other concerns are spending large sums of money all time,
(b) and somehow we take this for granted
(c) and never stop to wonder where it comes from
(d) No error   

Q11. Scarcely we had finished observing this, when we were surprised by about a dozen of the old birds jumping in the most unsafe funny manner towards the sea.
(a) Scarcely we had finished observing this,
(b) when we were surprised by about a dozen of the old birds
(c) jumping in the most unsafe funny manner towards the sea
(d) No error   

Q12. I asked if she has looked everywhere and she said ‘yes’.
(a) I asked
(b) if she has looked everywhere  
(c) and she said ‘yes’
(d) No error   

Q13. Had I realized that it was such a long way, I would take a taxi.
(a) Had I realized
(b) that it was such a long way,
(c) I would take a taxi
(d) No error   
Q14. Thank you for your invitation for lunch which I am very pleased to accept.
(a) Thank you for your invitation for lunch
(b) which I am very pleased
(c) to accept.
(d) No error

Q15. As people keep more and more animals as pets, more and more animal-related law suits reaching the courts.
(a) As people keep more and more animals as pets,
(b) more and more animal-related law suits
(c) reaching the courts.
(d) No error


S1. Ans.(a)
Sol. Delete ‘off’.

S2. Ans.(b)
Sol. Insert greater before ‘happiness’.

S3. Ans.(a)
Sol. The verb ‘tell’ (past told) is followed by the object, not by the preposition ‘to’. Remove ‘to’.

S4. Ans.(c)
Sol. USE ‘for’ in place of ‘since’. We are talking about a period.

S5. Ans.(a)
Sol. The correct idiom is ‘round the clock’.

S6. Ans.(b)
Sol. ‘One of’ is followed by a plural noun. Substitute ‘men’.

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. Delete ‘of’.

S8. Ans.(c)
Sol. It should be ‘than that of the official Chinese language’.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. Use plural ‘are’.

S10. Ans.(c)
Sol. Substitute gerund ‘wondering’.

S11. Ans.(a)
Sol. ‘Scarcely’ is followed by an inversion of order. So it should be “Scarcely had we finished…”

S12. Ans.(b)
Sol. When the reporting verb is in the past (here “asked”), the noun clause dependent on it should also use the past tense. Substitute ‘had looked’.

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. Substitute ‘would have taken’.

S14. Ans.(a)
Sol. You are invited ‘to’ lunch.

S15. Ans.(c)
Sol. We require the verb ‘reach’.

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