1. (a)/ The college Board, as well as the local citizens, (b)/ were pleased (c)/ with the plans for the new college. (d)/ No error
2. (a)/ The intelligence (b)/ of many wild animals is (c)/ indeed amazing. (d)/ No error
3. (a)/ Freedom and justice were (b)/ two cornerstones of (c)/ the democracy from the beginning. (d)/ No error
4. (a)/ Every man, woman, (b)/ and child were (c)/ taken from the town. (d)/ No error
5. (a)/ Either a certified check on deposit , (b)/ or a valid major credit card is (c)/ required for one to bid on the good. (d)/ No error
6. (a)/ Neither the coach (b)/ nor the students (c)/ wants to do another water-color. (d) Nor error
7. (a)/ One of, another of these detergents, have (b)/ proved to be harmful (c)/ delicate skin of the house wife. (d)/ No error
8. (a)/ Several in the audience were (b)/ beside themselves with anger (c)/ at what the speaker had said. (d)/ No error
9. (a)/ Some of Manish’s time was (b)/ taken up settling disputes (c)/ among the workers. (d)/ No error
10. (a)/ Ninety per cent (b)/ of the trees (c)/ were scheduled for harvest. (d)/ No error
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