Friday, 13 January 2017

1. The largest irrigated area in India is occupied by ?
A. Cotton
B. Rice 
C. Sugarcane
D. Wheat

2.The main area production of icebergs is found in ?
A. The west coast greenland
B. The west coast of Africa
C. The north coast of siberia
D. The east coast of japan

3. Which is the 3rd nearest planet to the sun?
A. Venus
B. Jupiter
C. Earth
D. Mars

4.Which of the following countries in south Asia areland- locked?
A. Bhutan and Pakistan
B. Nepal and Bangladesh
C. Bhutan and Nepal
D. Bangladesh and Bhutan

5. Mana pass is located in?
A. Uttarakhand
B. Himachal pradesh
C. Jammu-kashmir
D. Uttar pradesh

6. Depth of the sea measured in?
A. Fathom
B. Nautical miles
C. Decibal
D. Meter

7. Big Bang theory explains ?
A. Origin of Universe.
B. Origin of Sun.
C. Laws of physics.
D. None of above.

8.Rockies mountain is in which continent ?
A. Asia
B. Africa
C. North America
D. South America

9.Pyrenes Mountain is in which continent ?
A. North America
B. South America
C. Europe
D. Australia

10.Black sea is a sea in ?
A. South Eastern America
B. Australia
C. North America
D. South Eastern Europe

ANSWERS : 1- (B), 2- (A), 3- (C), 4- (C), 5- (A), 6- (A), 7- (A), 8- (C), 9- (C), 10- (D)

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