Saturday, 18 February 2017

1. In which year Mohd. Ghori attacked first in India on Multan?


2. “Hasan Nizami” and “Fakh-e-Mudabbir” were the court poets of which ruler of Mamluk Sultanate?

Answer:Qutb-ud-din Aybak

3. Which Mohghul King sat on the throne with title ‘PadshahGazi’? 


4. Which Portuguese Viceroy followed the ‘Blue Water’ policy in India? 

Answer:Francisco de Almeida 

5. Who among the following were the first to establish ‘Printing Press’ in India?


6. The first factory by the Dutch was established at which among the following places?


7. Who among the following is known as the ‘Saint of Dakhineshwar’?

Answer:Ramkrishna Paramahansa

8. Who among the following established the Swadhyay Movement and the SwadhyayParivar organization?

Answer:Pandurang Shastri Athavale

9. Along with Ghanshyam Das Birla and some other social workers in the pre-independence era, who among the following formed the Krishnarpan Charity Trust?


10. Which among the following personality is known for publishing the Mooknayak (Leader of the Silent) in Mumba?

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