Wednesday, 26 April 2017

Just a few days are left for SBI PO and NIACL Assistant Examination. It is time to pace up your preparation for SBI PO Prelims and NIACL Assistant Prelims 2017. These Static questions will also help you in preparing for BOB PO and NICL AO 2017 recruitment examination.

Q1. Zojila pass connects:  
(a) Nepal and Tibet
(b) Leh and Kargil
(c) Leh and Srinagar
(d) Kashmir and Tibet
(e) Nepal and Bhutan

Q2. Who is the author of the internationally acclaimed book. “The Mystery of Capital”?
(a) Julian Rathbone
(b) Divid Aaker
(c) Hernando de Soto
(d) Masaaki Sato
(e) Robert Pseri

Q3. The first Nobel Prize in Economics was awarded to:
(a) Stiglitz
(b) Paul A Samuelson
(c) Amartya Sen
(d) Jan Tinbergan and Ragnar Frisch
(e) Sveriges Riksbank

Q4. The first talkie film in India was  
(a) Raja Harishchandra
(b) Alam Ara
(c) Chandidas
(d) Jhansi Ki Rani
(e) Kisan Kanya

Q5. What is the main function of Central Statistical Organisation (CSO)?  
(a) Determination of money supply
(b) Collection of estimates of national income
(c) Collection of detail data regarding employment
(d) Price determination
(e) None of these

Q6. Who developed the first working laser?  
(a) Sir Frank Whittle
(b) Fred Morrisson
(c) T.H. Maiman
(d) Dr. Charles H. Jones
(e) Arthur Schawlow

Q7. March 8th is observed as 
(a) World Environment day
(b) Heritage day
(c) International Women’s day
(d) Youth day
(e) AIDS day

Q8. Bharat Ratna, Padma Vibhushan and Padma Shree are given on the eve of
(a) Republic Day
(b) Independence Day
(c) Gandhi Jayanti
(d) Pravasi Bhartiya Divas
(e) New year

Q9. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) came into existence with:
(a) Berlin Conference
(b) London Conference
(c) Brettonwoods Conference
(d) Rome Conference
(e) None of the above

Q10. Who invented the video-tape?  
(a) Richard James
(b) Charles Ginsberg
(c) P.T. Farnsworth
(d) Georges De Mestral
(e) Alex Maxey

Q11. The World Day to Combat Desertification is observed every year on:  
(a) 4th May
(b) 19th July
(c) 14th August
(d) 3rd October
(e) 17th June

Q12. India Army’s Operation ‘Saiyam’ was related to:  
(a) Kashmir
(b) Indo-China Border in the Central Region
(c) North-East
(d) Indo-Pak Border in Punjab and Rajasthan
(e) Nathu la pass

Q13. The UN Secretary-General holds office for a period of 
(a) 3 years
(b) 4 years
(c) 5 years
(d) 6 years
(e) 7 years

Q14. The adoption of High Yielding Variety Programme in Indian Agriculture started in
(a) 1968
(b) 1967
(c) 1966
(d) 1965
(e) 1969

Q15. The World Environment Day observed on  
(a) 15th June
(b) 5th June
(c) 10th October
(d) 8th March
(e) 25th June


S1. Ans.(c)
Sol. Zoji La is a high mountain pass in Jammu and Kashmir, India, located on the Indian National Highway 1D between Srinagar and Leh in the western section of the Himalayan mountain range.

S2. Ans.(c)
Sol. Hernando de Soto Polar is a Peruvian economist known for his work on the informal economy and on the importance of business and property rights. He is the president of the Institute for Liberty and Democracy (ILD), located in Lima, Peru.
S3. Ans.(d)
Sol. The first prize in economics was awarded in 1969 to Ragnar Frisch and Jan Tinbergen "for having developed and applied dynamic models for the analysis of economic processes".

S4. Ans.(b)
Sol. Ardeshir Irani released Alam Ara which was the first Indian talkie film, on 14 March 1931. Irani later produced the first south Indian talkie film Kalidas directed by H. M. Reddy released on 31 October 1931. Jumai Shasthi was the first Bengali talkie.

S5. Ans.(b)
Sol. The Central Statistics Organisation is responsible for co-ordination of statistical activities in the country, and evolving and maintaining statistical standards. Its activities include National Income Accounting; conduct of Annual Survey of Industries, Economic Censuses and its follow up surveys, compilation of Index of Industrial Production, as well as Consumer Price Indices for Urban Non-Manual Employees, Human Development Statistics, Gender Statistics, imparting training in Official Statistics, Five Year Plan work relating to Development of Statistics in the States and Union Territories; dissemination of statistical information, work relating to trade, energy, construction, and environment statistics, revision of National Industrial Classification, etc.

S6.  Ans.(c)
Sol. Theodore Maiman developed the first working laser at Hughes Research Lab in 1960, and his paper describing the operation of the first laser was published in Nature three months later.

S7. Ans.(c)
Sol. In the West, International Women's Day was first observed as a popular event after 1977 when the United Nations General Assembly invited member states to proclaim March 8 as the UN Day for women's rights and world peace.
S8. Ans.(a)
Sol. Any civilian who has shown great achievements in their field of professional work are considered eligible for this award. Various decorations which come under civilian awards of India – Bharat Ratna, Padma Shri, Padma Bhushan and Padma Vibhushan. These awards have a degree of reputation and honour.

S9. Ans.(c)
Sol. IMF formed in 1944 at the Bretton Woods Conference primarily by the ideas of Harry Dexter White and John Maynard Keynes, it came into formal existence in 1945 with 29 member countries and the goal of reconstructing the international payment system.

S10. Ans.(b)
Sol. Charles Ginsburg led the research team at Ampex Corporation in developing one of the first practical videotape recorders or VTRs in 1951.

S11. Ans.(e)
Sol. In 1994, the United Nations General Assembly declared June 17 the "World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought" to promote public awareness of the issue, and the implementation of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification in those countries experiencing serious drought and/or desertification, particularly in Africa.

S12. Ans.(d)
Sol. 'Operation Saiyam' - a unique Army operation to defuse about 20,000 unexploded bombs weighing about 50 tonnes that had arrived in waste steel scrap at the dry port of Dhandari Kalan (Ludhiana), thereby preventing any possible disaster in the civil areas in and around Ludhiana.

S13. Ans.(c)
Sol. The Secretary-General is customarily appointed for a five-year term, although the length of the term is discretionary. Trygve Lie's second appointment was for three years, and U Thant's first two terms were short terms that added up to five years. The Secretary-General customarily runs unopposed for a second term if he wishes to continue serving, and he is reappointed unless vetoed by a permanent member. 

S14. Ans.(c)
Sol. The High Yielding Variety Programme (HYVP) was launched in the Kharif of 1966-67 with an objective to attain self-sufficiency in food by 1970-71. The core philosophy of the programme was to increase the productivity of food grains by adopting latest varieties of inputs of crops. Introduction of new high yielding varieties of improved seeds and enhanced application of the fertilizers and extended use of pesticides were its main features.

S15. Ans.(b)
Sol. World Environment Day (WED) is observed every year on 5 June to raise global awareness to take positive environmental action to protect nature and the planet Earth. It is run by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

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