Direction (1-5): Study the following pie-chart carefully & answer the questions given below:
Pie-chart shows the marks obtained by a student in different subjects in an examination. (In degree)
Total marks obtained in examination were = 648
Q1. The Marks obtained in maths is what percent of total marks?
(a) 18.20
(b) 18.89
(c) 19.25
(d) 18.50
(e) 19.50
Q2. What is the percentage difference between marks obtained in English and computer?
(a) 3.5%
(b) 2%
(c) 2.25%
(d) 2.5%
(e) 3.3%
Q3. What is ratio between marks obtained in Science and Sanskrit together to the marks obtained in English and hindi together?
(a) 41 : 35
(b) 35 : 41
(c) 36 : 37
(d) 42 : 37
(e) 37 : 42
Q4. What is average marks obtained in Maths, English and Computer together?
(a) 110.50
(b) 110
(c) 112.20
(d) 112
(e) 112.50
Q5. The marks scored in Hindi and Science together exceeds the marks scored in Maths by
(a) 73.50
(b) 74.50
(c) 74
(d) 73.80
(e) 73
Directions (Q. 6-10): Study the following pie-chart carefully to answer these questions:
Total visitors to different places are 6500, out of which 40% are females. Percentage-wise distribution of visitors who visited 5 different places
Q6. What percentage of male visitors went Delhi?
Q7. What is difference between no. of visitors, who went Chennai and Mumbai together and no. of female visitors who went Jaipur and Agra together?
(a) 1900
(b) 1850
(c) 1768
(d) 1838
(e) 1958
Q8. What is ratio of no. of female visitor to no. of male visitors, who went Jaipur?
(a) 5 : 1
(b) 1 : 3
(c) 4 : 1
(d) 1 : 4
(e) 1 : 5
Q9. Total male visitors who went Chennai and Agra together are what percent of total male visitors?
(a) 32
(b) 31.67
(c) 31.50
(d) 32.67
(e) 30.65
Q10. What is the average of male visitors who went Chennai, Agra and Mumbai?
(a) 736
(b) 1100
(c) 1295
(d) 1130
(e) 1095
Directions (11-15): In the following questions two equations numbered I and II are given. You have to solve both the equations and–
Give answer (a) if x>y
Give answer (b) if x≥y
Give answer (c) if x<y
Give answer (d) if x≤y
Give answer (e) if x = y or the relationship cannot be established.
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